Paula Fernández-Ochoa, Rafael Fernández and Felipe Martín participate in a cycle on Leadership at the CEU in Elche

The RFEDI directive and those responsible for Marketing of Telefónica and Santander will also talk about brand and innovation

ELCHE (ALICANTE), March 28. (SportsFinding) –

Telefónica’s Global Marketing Director, Rafael Fernández de Alarcón; the consultant and head of Women and Snow of the Royal Spanish Federation of Winter Sports (RFEDI), Paula Fernández-Ochoa; and the Director of Media, Online Marketing, Sponsorships and Events of Banco Santander, Felipe Martín, participate in a series of conferences at the CEU in Elche (Alicante).

Under the title of ‘Brand, Leadership and Innovation’, the cycle will be held on March 29 and 30 and May 5 and aims to bring the experience of these experts closer to the Business and Marketing students of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Elche in leadership and brand of the RFEDI, Telefónica and Banco Santander.

“What are the current and future proposals of these companies in terms of sponsorship and brand management, or how do brand ambassadors work and how can solidarity projects be integrated into business strategies, are some of the questions that will address,” said Ana Isabel Mateos, professor of Business and Marketing and promoter of the initiative.

Rafael Fernández de Alarcón will inaugurate the series this Tuesday, March 29, in the Aula Magna of the CEU in Elche at its headquarters in the Carmelitas building. Fernández de Alarcón will present how the Telefónica group’s brand portfolio and strategy are coordinated, as well as the management of sponsorships such as that of the Movistar Team cycling team or that of the Podium program scholarships. Likewise, he will expose the new design of the Telefónica brand, in a year of changes for the company at the gates of its centenary.

The next day, March 30, Paula Fernández-Ochoa, consultant with her company +MoreThanLaw, and expert in Legal Marketing, Personal Branding and Motivation, will discuss how to manage personal branding in the legal, sports and management sectors. Likewise, Fernández-Ochoa will teach students strategies and actions to design Strategic and Marketing plans, as well as corporate and personal identity, with the aim of achieving better positioning and more business.

Lastly, on May 5, the series, which will be moderated by Europa Press Sports Editor-in-Chief, Gaspar Díez, will be closed by Banco Santander’s Director of Media, Online Marketing, Sponsorships and Events, Felipe Martín Martín. In his speech, Martín will show how companies can get involved in sustainability projects and how these actions generate a return in terms of reputation.

“Banco Santander develops several sustainability initiatives such as the projects it has with the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) with the Sustainable Sports Event Seal or the compensation of the carbon footprint of the participation of Spanish athletes in Tokyo, for which it has started a project to reforest ceded land with native species to compensate for the tons of CO2 generated by the entire Spanish team in the Japanese capital”, stressed Ana Isabel Mateos.