Barça achieves its first win at the Palau in 2022 by thrashing Xota (6-1)

The FC Barcelona was finally able to debut with victory in the Palau Blaugrana in this 2022. After chaining two draws and one defeat, those of Velasco they finally won at home and they did it in a big way: 6-1. However, despite the impressive result, the Barça team did not have it so easy, especially in the second half, where in just over a minute, almost at the buzzer, the Barça scored three goals in a row, two of Lozano -the first of them taking advantage of the fact that the rival was playing with a front goalkeeper- and another of Ortiz.

The goleada opened it Lefty five minutes into the game. Just 36 seconds later, Povill extended the lead. Before the break, Beams began to show what he would be able to stop in the match, but when the pussy, Pito took advantage of a double penalty to put land in between. Leftywith a blow to the ankle, stayed in the booth as a precaution.

After the break, and when the Barça I expected Health Magna Xota risked from the start with a player goalkeeper, the Navarrese continued patiently in search of their goal but ran into Beams. Solo Juninho he managed to beat the azulgrana goalkeeper in the 33rd minute to make it 3-1. From there, pussy he did risk with a forward goalkeeper and was about to close the gap. However, when he was suffering the most Barça, and one minute from the end, three Barça goals fell. Captain Lozano did two and the other did it Ortiz. Luckily, the azulgrana did not regret Ferrao’s loss and remain unstoppable in the League, with an eight-point advantage over the second, the Palm Futsal.


Barça, 6
Feixas, Ortiz, Lozano, Adolfo y Pito -initial five- Esquerdinha, Marcenio, Povill, Dyego y Coelho,

Osasuna Magna, 1
Asier, R. Martil, Linhares, Fabinho and Carlos Vento -initial five- Raúl Rocha, Bynho, Juninho and Ion Cerviño

goals: 1-0, Lefty (5′); 2-0, Povill (6′); 3-0, Pito (19′); 3-1, Juninho (32′); 4-1, Sergio Lozano (39′), Ortiz (39′) and Sergio Lozano (40′).

spectators: 1,178 at the Palau Blaugrana.

referees: Samuel Gabaldon and Antonio Navarra. They booked the locals Marcenio (19′) and Coelho (24′) and the visitors Bynho (19′), Linhares (23′) and Vento (25′).

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