Nephew, the opportune scorer

Ruben Nephew I arrive to Cadiz during the winter market 2020-21 season almost without making a sound As soon as he arrived, he was a player to be reckoned with. With Cervera, in the second part of the season he always had a presence. His versatility and ability to adapt both in attack and on the wing, will invite him to one of the favorite footballers for the former coach of Cádiz. Now with Sergio he is also having a presence, but alternating ownership with minutes from the bench. What Sobrino lacked, to put a but, was the goal; and although he has only scored two goals, both have been of vital importance.

Photo by Ruben Sobrino

Nephew has been uncovered as the appropriate scorer. If last season he scored the goal that gave Cádiz virtual permanence, in Los Cármenes (0-1); this past weekend he scored another goal to get the yellow team out of relegation in the 90th minute, after 14 games. The front thus making up for the clear opportunity missed minutes before and celebrating it as Kiko (doing the goalkeeper). With this goal, the striker debuts this season. Curiously, to this target you have to add an assistgiven against the same rival, but in the match of the first round (3-3).

Cadiz Shield/Flag

Nephew ended the meeting between tears of emotion. “I’m going to keep working hard., I am very stubborn. You have to try to manage this as well. I’ve been through bad times We have to keep working hard and with the positivity that the coaching staff transmits to us. We have a lot left that euphoria is to celebrate today, but we have to know that we have nine games left very important and you have to have a cool head for those games”, said the player in the Cádiz media at the end of the game.