The Barça-CVC agreement can only be under the conditions of LaLiga Impulso

In recent weeks, Barcelona’s intention to reach an agreement with CVC to get some 300 million has been known that encourage you when it comes to signing and cleaning up your accounts. According to several media outlets, Laporta’s intention is to renegotiate the conditions of LaLiga Impulso with the investment fund and adopt others that suit them, such as using 75% of the 300 million that would correspond to them to increase their wage bill. But according to sources from LaLiga to AS, that is not possible. Any agreement with CVC must meet the same requirements as the one signed by the rest of the First and Second Division clubs.

Both CVC and LaLiga have an agreement that allows any club that did not sign up for the Impulso project at the time, to do so later. How is the situation in Barcelona? But alwaysWhether entered through LaLiga or the fund, the agreement must be identical to the rest of the clubs. It is a pact between employers and CVC and that must be fulfilled. Barcelona, ​​who have asked on several occasions, the last time this week, have always had the same answer. The conditions are non-negotiable.

This means that any agreement that Laporta makes with said fund must be approved by LaLiga and must always supervise each investment made with that money. Therefore, you will not be able to allocate the 75% that you intend to transfers and it must be the 15% to which the rest of the teams are subject. As well as allocating 70% to infrastructure and brand growth and another 15% to debt.