Lambán regrets that the Generalitat of Catalonia “has blown up” the Olympic candidacy by appointing a coordinator

ZARAGOZA, March 11. (SportsFinding) –

The President of the Government of Aragon, Javier Lambán, lamented this Friday “that the Catalan independence movement has blown up the candidacy for the 2030 Winter Olympics with its unilateral decision to appoint the until now president of the Catalan Federation of Winter Sports and former Olympic skier, Mònica Bosch, new coordinator of the Olympic project”.

“Aragon has exhausted its patience with the independence supporters,” said Lambán, who has accused the “intolerant, supremacist and exclusionary” Catalan independence movement of “ruining and boycotting” a historic development opportunity for the Pyrenees as a whole.

“It seems unacceptable to us and they will have to be held accountable,” demanded the head of the Aragonese Executive, who recalled that they have “flagrantly breached the conditions established by the Spanish Olympic Committee.”

Therefore, it has urged the Government of Spain to adopt a final decision. “With the conditions that the Government of Catalonia is proposing, there will be no Games,” warned Lambán, who has contacted the president of the COE, Alejandro Blanco, this afternoon.

“Aragón could present a candidacy as powerful or more than that of Catalonia, but we have always understood that this was a candidacy of Spain, led by the COE on equal terms, and we have never subordinated the general interest of Spain to the maintenance of outdated ideologies, of exclusionary nationalisms that are proving so devastating in the EU as a whole”, he explained.