Leonardo’s harangue to the PSG squad

PSG returned to training this morning at Camp des Loges and Leonardo came over to talk to the players. In the meeting prior to the warm-up, the sports director of the Parisian team addressed the squad to encourage them after the tremendous setback that meant being eliminated from the Champions League at the Santiago Bernabéu: “You deserve to win it but now you have to secure Ligue 1” , was the message according to RMC Sport.

Complicated moment that the team lives, in crisis after its failure in Europe. A defeat that will bring consequences in the short and medium term. Although the club will keep Pochettino on the bench until the end of the season, the divorce between the two is a matter of time after the Argentine has not been able to provide that added value that they expected from the offices. A season and a half in which he has not been able to leave his mark.

Confirmed the debacle in Madrid, President Al Khelaifi would have made an express trip to Doha to meet with the emir of Qatar to offer the pertinent explanations. The project, which can only be sustained after winning the Champions League, has been weakened after the image offered at the Santiago Bernabéu. Two and a half months after the end of the season, now the big concern is called Mbappé. The club, pessimistic, no longer knows what to do to renew him.