Decathlon Spain will hire 220 people with disabilities in the next four years


The general director of Decathlon Spain, Javier López, and the executive vice president of the ONCE Foundation, Alberto Durán, have signed the ‘Insert Agreement’ to promote the employment of people with disabilities, which will mean the hiring of 220 people with disabilities in the next four years for the sports equipment distribution company.

The agreement is part of the operational programs for Social Inclusion and the Social Economy (Poises) and Youth Employment (POEJ), which the ONCE Foundation is developing through Inserta, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative , to increase the training and employment of people with disabilities.

The general director of Decathlon Spain, Javier López, has declared himself “very proud” to be able to formalize this agreement with the ONCE Foundation, “one of the benchmarks in the visibility and integration of people with disabilities”.

“For us, it represents a great step forward in our commitment to diversity and the inclusion of the groups most in need in the labor market,” he added.

For his part, the executive vice-president of the ONCE Foundation, Alberto Durán, highlighted the commitment that Decathlon has had for many years with people with disabilities, “both from the point of view of their hiring and the implementation of accessibility measures at their facilities.”

“There is no doubt that its policy of labor integration of people with disabilities helps to raise awareness in society about their abilities, especially if we take into account that in most cases they hold positions facing the public. I take this opportunity to congratulate Decathlon for his 30 years of activity in Spain and I wish him the best for the future to come,” he said.

Decathlon Spain will have Inserta Empleo, an entity for training and employment of the ONCE Foundation, to address the candidate selection processes for jobs that the company may need, as well as to develop possible training and professional qualification actions.

This agreement entails the adhesion of Decathlon Spain to the Responsible Insert Forum, a platform for networking and social innovation that makes it possible to share practices, tools and experiences that favor the effective development of labor insertion policies for talent with disabilities.

The agreement also contemplates the promotion of other actions that favor the labor insertion of people with disabilities directly through programs to attract talent.