Laporta and Rosell coincide in the same restaurant

The former Barça president went to eat casually at the same place where the official agape was held between representatives of Barça and Galatasaray

Sandro Rosell, at the entrance of the restaurant where the Barça and Galatasaray board lunch was held

Sandro Rosell, at the entrance of the restaurant where the Barça and Galatasaray board lunch was held

Videotape TV3

The former president of FC Barcelona Sandro Rosell and the current head of the Barça club, Joan Laportacoincided this Thursday in a restaurant in Barcelona casually after rosell come to eat at the same place where the directive lunch was planned among the representatives of the Barça and the Galatasaray.

rosell He arrived alone at the restaurant where his fellow diners with whom he had arranged were already waiting for him inside, while Laporta did so shortly after accompanied by several Barça representatives.

The media present at the doors of the restaurant collected the images of the arrival of both.

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