Message of support from Laporta to Ukraine

Joan Laportapresident of FC Barcelona, showed his solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the face of the “unjustifiable war” that they are living through. “In the name of FC Barcelona I want to express our support and solidarity with the Ukrainian people”, began by saying the Barça president. “Whenever we have had the opportunity to visit Ukraine, we have noticed the support and affection of Barça fans in this country. We have 28 members, and a supporters club in Kiev, which with its hundred members promotes Barcelona in those lands”, he detailed. Laporta.

The Barça president also had a memory for the country’s athletes and former athletes who have been part of the club. “We also have Ukrainian athletes and former athletes who have enhanced the history of the FC Barcelona. For all of them, and for the people who are suffering the horror of an unjustifiable war, know that we are with you and that we will help by supporting all those who come to our country seeking refuge,” he said.

Finally, the president of Barça addressed the Ukrainian people in their language: “Ukrainians, the FC Barcelona is with you. Let’s stop the war!!!” he yelled. Laporta with emphasis.

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