The fifth feat of the year awaits Athletic

On January 13, Athletic dropped Simeone’s Atlético from the Super Cup. Since then, they have also defeated Real Madrid and Barcelona in the Cup, eliminating them from the KO tournament, and have thrashed Real just a few days ago. Four great games settled with victory. And tomorrow the fifth big one can arrive.

The repoker challenge brings them to you. Mestalla is never easy, and even less so in some semi-coppers that are hot, and not just because they are in Fallas. With the likeable Bordalás at the helm, the match will surely be played as if the grass were strewn with mines. Advancing a yard will require more percussion than those anabolized Superbowl forwards.

Each player must make that motto of the Yankee Navy Seals their own, “the only easy day was yesterday”. The battle will be rough, granite like the clash of two tectonic plates in full continental drift. And it is that whoever wins will be one step away from stamping the European passport.

Party for men more than for stars; to put the leg; of friction; to take advantage of every little space, to fight for every ball. to percuss And as a brave referee, don’t let yourself be daunted, you understand me. Good luck and to the bull, Athletic.