Piqué’s praise for Dembélé after beating Athletic

The center-back told him at the foot of the field on a couple of occasions: “You’ve worked incredible, host”

Dembélé and Piqué, chatting in the match against Athletic

Dembélé and Piqué, chatting in the match against Athletic

A Dembele 27 minutes were enough for him to show that he is an exceptional footballer. Not only did he score a great goal with a dry cut and a shot from the goalkeeper’s impossible side, but he also gave two goal assists to Memphis and Luuk de Jong which served to toast a win against Athletic. The French striker changed the initial whistles for applause and obtained the unconditional surrender of his teammates and his own coach.

One of them was Gerard Piquéone of the players who has meant the most for the stands to stop booing Dembele. At the end of the match and with the anthem still playing at the Camp Nou, the center-back approached the winger and told him: “You’ve done incredible work, hell.” A phrase hunted by El Golazo de Gol and that he repeated on a couple of occasions.

Dembele he celebrated his great match with everyone and expressly hugged himself with Gaviwith whom he has a good friendship, and with Xavi, the coach who has also run for him.

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