The big bank has decided to take advantage of José María Roldán’s decision not to renew again in the presidency of the AEB to place a woman and professional in the sector at its head. Your candidate is Alegend of Kindelán, head of the Studies Service, Public Policy and Institutional Relations of Banco Santanderr, and whose appointment will be proposed to the rest of the industry at the General Assembly held by the association on April 5.
Bachelor of Economics and Political Science from Wellesley College (Massachusetts), Kindelán has postgraduate studies at IESE (Madrid) and INSEAD (Fontainebleau). Born in Caracas (Venezuela)has lived in the United Kingdom and the United States and has three children.
Has been director of Santander Argentina and at the moment he acts as director of Santander Consumer Finance. Before joining this entity, he worked as consultant for the World Bank.
will take over from Roldanwho long ago anticipated his desire not to run for a third term as president of the AEB. The outgoing president has expressed his gratitude to the AEB partners for the trust placed in him over the last eight years, as well as his satisfaction at having been able to represent the sector during this period, according to the employer’s association.
The choice of Kindelán has been decided by the first five banks represented in the General Council of the AEB, in accordance with the provisions of article number 16 of its Bylaws, almost in discount time since they had until March at the latest to convene the Assembly without causing calendar delays.
Roldán entered on April 22, 2014, replacing Miguel Martín, after having been during 13 years General Director of Banking Regulation and Financial Stability of the Bank of Spain and member of its Executive Committee.
A year ago now, coinciding with the last Assembly, he announced his decision not to repeat after completing his second term and the succession process was opened, closed almost at the limit of the calendar and where the desire for a woman to take over was imposed.
In the backhoe of potentials candidates figured Kindelán beside Roman Nativityformer president of Sareb and director of Santander; Christina of Pariasformer head of BBVA Spain and director of the bank’s subsidiary in Mexico; Maria Abascalformer director of BBVA and current head of Public Policies of the AEB itself.
They also entered the pools other names such as the former CEO of Bankia, Joseph Sevillethe President of the European Banking Authority (EBA), Jose Maria Campaor the former president of Sareb, Jaime Echegoyenand Francisco Uriaglobal head of banking and capital markets at KPMG.