Hecatomb without Haaland

Erling Haaland’s dependency remains undeniable at Signal Iduna Park. Borussia Dortmund suffers greatly without its star, he is down at the moment due to muscular discomfort that has kept him on the sidelines since the end of January. Since then, his team have lost two of the three games played to date, among which it is worth highlighting the harsh 2-4 defeat in the first leg of the play-offs in the Europa League that give access to the round of 16 against Glasgow Rangers. Dortmund has already fallen in the Champions League and now, without Haaland, it is on the brink of the abyss in Europe.

BVB needs its star like food, although it will be low against Gladbach in the Bundesliga. The black-and-yellow team cut the difference in the table with respect to Bayern to a total of six points after the champion’s skid in Bochum (4-2). 23 goals and 6 assists so far this season test the importance of him for the borusser team.

Photo by Erling Braut Haaland

When he is not, Borussia despairs. This is how Mats Hummels admitted it after the umpteenth disappointment, this time in the Europa League against Rangers. “We play very crazy and illogical football and we make opponents unnecessarily strong because we often don’t want the simple solution and we play too complicated.“, explained the defender, frustrated by the setback that would mean also staying out of the Europa League after the recent elimination in the Champions League. “Complicated football is something we play too often. That’s how you win sometimes, that’s how you lose sometimes, but you’re never going to be successful in the long run,” Hummels said.

In spite of everything, the position of Marco Rose does not seem to be in danger. As reported by different German media, the board headed by the general manager Hans-Joachim Watzke had a talk with the coach as soon as the match ended against the Scots at Signal Iduna Park to try to find immediate solutions to the irregular game of the team. Although they will already know very well that an improvement in this area depends largely on Haaland’s return to the pitch.