The XV del León maintains its commitment to the World Cup with epic in Sochi


The Spanish men’s rugby team won (37-41) this Saturday against Russia in a fast-paced match in Sochi, to keep their chances of being in the next World Cup intact.

After a disputed match, Santi Ovejero dressed as a hero in the last lap with the time expired, posing the ball behind the Bears’ goal line at the Yug Stadion. Now, Spain is third with 21 points, for Romania’s 22 and Georgia’s 31.

The first two teams in the global classification of the 2021 and 2022 European Championships will obtain the direct passport for the World Cup in France, while the third will play, in November, the Final Qualifying Tournament.

The four points won in Sochi allow Santi Santos’ men to continue in contention to obtain a ticket to be next year in the World Cup in France and almost definitively disqualify a possible candidate like Russia.

Santos’ team commanded the start, but the Russian side knew how to react. The XV del León brought out their best offensive weapons again (17-25), but the local team was able to turn the result around on more than one occasion until they came close to winning.

Spain, who count their matches in the Rugby Europe Championship 2022 by wins, remade themselves with epic strength to reach the key duel at home against Romania on February 27.