“I think it is not the last Grand Slam that we will see Nadal win”

Carlos Moyà, Rafa Nadal’s coach, went through the microphones of Radioestadio Noche de Onda Cero to value the historic triumph of his pupil in the Australian Open, which makes him the tennis player with the most Grand Slam in the men’s category.

Moyà is convinced that this will not be Nadal’s last Grand Slam. “I think it is not the last Grand Slam that we will see Rafa win. I am very aware of who he is and what he has done in tennis. It’s difficult for someone else to win, but it’s Rafa Nadal, I won’t get tired of saying it”

Nadal’s coach also spoke about the controversy over Novak Djokovic and his refusal to get vaccinated, and he believes that this could harm him in the face of new tournaments. “If Djokovic does not get vaccinated, he is in serious danger of not playing a Grand Slam again and giving up that career for which he has fought so hard.”

Despite Nadal’s victory at the Australian Open, Moyà is clear about his pupil’s great goal for this season. “Rafa’s big goal this year is Roland Garros and we’ll try to get him there in the best possible way. If he’s sando he’s one of the favourites, but there are several months to go with several tournaments.”

Moyà also confessed that there were many doubts about whether Nadal could play in Australia because of his foot injury and subsequent recovery. “At one point I did see that we couldn’t go to Australia, day to day was a bit frustrating. Rafa didn’t improve and couldn’t train because of the pain he was in.”

Finally, Moyà highlighted the grit and tenacity that Nadal showed in the final of the Australian Open. “The match against Medvedev is one of the greatest I have seen him on a tennis court. In a Grand Slam final he is losing and in the end he takes advantage of the opportunity. With Rafa we never give up anything. We always have the hope that, being with Rafa, everything can happen.”