The Basque Government maintains that it adequately protected the Atlético bus

The Department of Security of the Basque Government assured this Thursday that the Ertzaintza adequately protected the bus from the Atletico Madrid upon his arrival last night at the Anoeta stadium, where he was attacked by fans of the Real society.

Sources from the Security Department have affirmed, contrary to what the Atlético coach commented yesterday, Diego Pablo Simeon, that the Ertzaintza had a device “designed, planned in advance and prepared” and that there was a police presence at all times.

Simeone complained that the Atlético bus had not had adequate protection, both in the press conference after the game and in the greeting to the Real Sociedad coach, Imanol Sheriff, whom he scolded before the game and reproached him for the facts.

In addition, eyewitnesses have reported, as seen in a video, that upon arrival at the field, after the attack on the Atlético bus, which resulted in three broken windows, Simeone criticized an Ertzaintza patrol for the events that took place.

The bus arrived at Anoeta between the throwing of objects, insults and chants of remembrance to Aitor Zabaleta, the Real Sociedad fan murdered near the Atlético de Madrid stadium in 1988.

Security adviser, Josu Erkoreka, has assured, in an interview on ETB-1, that the Ertzaintza “was present from the beginning”, although there was no more intense performance “because it wasn’t necessary”.

He recalled that during the altercations, at a different point from the attack on the bus, there was a slight injury due to an attack and he clarified that it is not an Atlético de Madrid fan.

He has branded the reception to the Atlético coach as “regrettable”, in which he has admitted that there were “attacks and insults”.

The counselor has indicated that there was material damage, “especially in Ertzaintza vans and public furniture”, without mentioning the damage to the Atlético de Madrid bus.

He has stated that an investigation will be opened, but has advanced that in this type of massive altercation it is “very difficult to specify specific responsibilities”.

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