The current economic situation derived from the health crisis caused by the coronavirus has put thousands of families in a difficult context. Many Spanish households are in a situation of social exclusion, which is why a large part of the fathers and mothers of this country have serious complications to give their children a decent life.
For this reason, the Executive has launched an aid for these families, a monthly allowance for each of the minors living in the home. This bonus is intended to be extended to as many families as possible, within the requirements that they will have to meet to access the benefit.
How much will I charge for each child?
The amount a family will receive for each child depends on two factors: the number of minors in the household and their age. In this sense, the amount that each family unit will receive will be:
– 100 euros for each child under 0 to 3 years.
– 70 euros for each child under 3 to 6 years.
– 40 euros for each child under 6 to 18 years.
Requirements to access the benefit
First of all, you have to take two aspects into account. Is about an endowment that complements the ordinary benefit of the Minimum Vital Income in cases where the financial situation of the household does not allow satisfying the needs of the minors in charge. That is, when the perception of the IMV is not enough to support the children.
On the other hand, it should be noted that it is not necessary to collect the ordinary benefit to receive this aid, so to access this endowment you must meet the requirements that the Administration requires to be able to receive the Minimum Vital Income or, well, meet the following terms:
– Families with one child and two adults: They cannot obtain annual income of more than 27,000 euros.
– Families with two children and two adults: They cannot obtain annual income of more than 32,100 euros.
– Single-parent families with one child: They cannot obtain annual income of more than 25,700 euros.
– Single-parent families with two children: they cannot obtain annual income of more than 30,800 euros.
Likewise, the Executive requires applicants to prove that they have legally resided for at least one year in Spain and have requested other previously available benefits.