There was concern in the offices of the Vega de Acá about the infections by coronavirus, more even than about losing Umar Sadiq, summoned with Nigeria for the Africa Cup. The rojiblanca squad returned from vacation last Tuesday and the bad omens were fulfilled, Without determining the number of positives, the only club in the category next to Fuenlabrada. It was the last day of the year when Rubi has served as the club’s spokesperson once again and in the audio sent by the UDA to the media on the occasion of the previous match against Cartagena next Sunday (2:00 p.m.), the Vilasar de Mar coach has exploded when he acknowledges that Almería has requested the suspension of the match without the approval of LaLiga.

“It is unfair that we have to play on Sunday. The week we are living is disastrous, it is not the one that would correspond to prepare a professional league match, but a pantomime. Every day new cases of coronavirus appear and I have come to consider suspending the training”, affirms with the education of which it always shows. “Currently we cannot have 50% and of those casualties 80% is due to coronavirus. Babic, for example, had to have served a sanction in Lugo, but since the meeting was suspended, he has to comply with it. Now he is putting everything together in against, aim.
The Almería coach also highlights the good predisposition of his rival. “We have tried to postpone the game, but the answer has always been the same, no. Even Cartagena has been elegant saying that they understood the situation and that they would have no problem not playing if they decided to do so.. I want to publicly thank him, says the Vilasarense coach, aware that the mental aspect will be fundamental. “I totally agree that everything possible be done to play, but we are in an exceptional situation and they should have acted differently. It’s unfair that we have to compete like this. They are going to make us play and we will do everything possible to try to win. Psychological work is important so that this situation does not affect us on a moral level. The soldiers that I have left in the squad are giving it their all and they will give everything in the game to be able to add the three points, “he explains.
Precisely the only game that remains to be played in the first round of the championship is Lugo-Almería, on matchday 21, suspended due to the outbreak of positives in the Lucese table, although the case of the postponement is quite different. Specifically, the Xunta’s Health Council imposed confinement to the players who tested negative until they had a second PCR (the positives were automatically confined). In the case of the following rival, Luis Carrión has two casualties due to coronavirus: Tejera and Clavería. The Barcelona player was going to be out anyway as he was sanctioned, while the man from Madrid will also be out on Sunday at the Mediterranean Games Stadium, a sensitive loss as he starts in the engine room. In addition, Kawaya will not be to continue injured. “An extraordinary team is coming that is super well worked. It has very good players, contrasted, of quality and experience,” says Rubi.