Thirteen Elche players end their contract on June 30

Thirteen players of the Elche, plus the coach, Francisco Rodriguez, terminate their contract with the Elche team on June 30, so that as of January 1 they can negotiate a new employment relationship with other entities.

The team from Elche has several players on loan and others who only signed for one season, although there is also a case in which a player will automatically renew for one more year in the case of reaching a certain number of matches.

The three goalkeepers of the team, Edgar Badía, Kiko Casilla Y Axel Werner, they finish their contract, although the first one, who starts in the last days, is guaranteed one more year in the case of playing 50% of the official matches of the Elche.

The defenders also end their employment relationship Antonio Barragan Y Diego Gonzalezas well as the extreme Josan Ferrandez and the midfielders Pablo Piatti, Javier Pastore y Omar Mascarell.

Front Guido Carrillo, Pears Milla, Lucas Perez Y Darío Benedetto, loaned by the Marsella and partner of Christian Bragarnik, owner of ElcheThey also have a contract with the Elche club until June 30.

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