An earthquake named Ronaldo Nazario

Ronaldo Nazario, the highest shareholder and president of Valladolid, bought 90% of the shares of the Cruzeiro club a few days ago, thus becoming the head of the Brazilian entity. The Brazilian club itself has confirmed that the price paid, through the Tara Sport company, is 400 million reais, around 62.5 million euros. The arrival of Ronaldo is going to mean a revolution in the sports field. Neither coach Vanderlei Luxemburg has his position assured. In fact, some information assures that the veteran coach will be the first victim of Ronaldo.

Cruzeiro president Sérgio Santos Rodrigues has no answers about the future of coach Vanderlei Luxemburg, the players in the current squad and the players already hired by the club. All decisions are now in the hands of Ronaldo Nazario, who bought 90% of the club’s shares. According to the president of Cruzeiro, the former Madrid forward is the one who will take all the measures to be taken from now on.

When asked about the continuity of Luxembourg, Sérgio Santos Rodrigues was clear: “They are decisions that I am not the one who makes. That question must be asked of Ronaldo. But, from what we said, in the beginning, he even knew about some of the signings and, in the end, he was even informed. Others we had to do because of the dynamism of the market. I think they were well received. But now he usually does it at his discretion. All of them have signed contracts that are under their supervision and that of their team now, “said the president of Cruzeiro in an interview with TV Máfia Azul.