Pellegrini renews until 2025

Betis announced the renewal of Manuel Pellegrini until 2025. It was practically a fact that the harmony between the parties had to end in an extension of the contract and in this way the confidence of the club in the man who led the qualitative leap in sports since last season is reflected. His contract expired in 2023 and the agreement extends that relationship until 2025, as reflected in the video with which the club wanted to announce this agreement.

Pellegrini arrived two summers ago and managed to place Betis in European competition in his first season in Heliópolis and with practically the same team that signed so many ups and downs in the recent past. His team closes 2021 with 29 wins, a record in club history in a calendar year. Both Pellegrini and Ángel Haro, president of the entity, had left signs that this agreement was a matter of time given the good harmony that exists between the parties and the importance taken by the technician since he arrived.

Betis renewed Sergio Canales last week and is doing the same now with their coach. The club is looking to extend Nabil Fekir’s contract as the next challenge in another move that seems already resolved. In Heliópolis there is a lot of satisfaction with the current moment the team is going through, placed in the Champions zone in LaLiga and I live in Europe and the Copa del Rey. The intention is to tie to the key pieces of this project and Pellegrini is the great beacon of it.