German football returns to games without an audience

German football returns to the stage of matches without an audience due to the advance of the omicron variant of covid-19 and with the fear that this will be the dominant one in the country in a matter of weeks.

The federal government and the regional powers agreed on a series of measures to limit contacts, also among those vaccinated, including the absence of the public at major events, be they sporting or otherwise.

The measure will be applied as of December 28, the foreign minister announced this Tuesday. Olaf Scholz, who took office earlier this month and leads a coalition between his Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Liberal Party (FDP).

Germany has managed to contain in recent weeks the increase in new infections and the maximum incidence of 482 infections in seven days and per 100,000 inhabitants in November it has dropped to 306 this Tuesday.

However, the expansion of the omicron variant is feared, as has happened in the neighboring Denmark. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Tuesday urged an immediate limitation of contacts, while its vaccination commission recommended applying the booster dose three months after having the complete schedule.