Eto’o’s advice that suits Williams

On October 5, Radio Euskadi contacted Iñaki Williams and Samuel Eto’o. The Athletic striker had just become the player in the history of the League with the most consecutive games played by surpassing Larrañaga’s 202.

“What I can advise you is that you never doubt yourself, but take 15, 20 or 30 minutes after training and just shoot, shoot and shoot. As the ball comes to you, don’t think about it, shoot. You’ll tell me. With the same situations in training that you can get in games. In Mallorca and Barcelona he would come for an hour in the afternoon and hit 300-400 balls. At first it was difficult for me, but when I started to score, I would not stop scoring. Training is the key to everything, but training that others do not see, ”said Eto’o.

The truth is that from the surroundings of Iñaki Williams they assure that the Athletic forward has been putting in extra hours to improve the shot on goal with his left leg.