Laporta thrashed in the referendum

Barça members massively ratified the authorization to the FC Barcelona board of directors to finance the Espai Barça project through a loan of up to 1,500 million, which will surely be granted by the Goldman Sachs bank. 49,623 members exercised their right in a telematic referendum day.

The yes to the board’s proposal had 42,693 votes (87% of those cast), while 5,055 (10.4%) voted against and 875 members voted blank, which represents 1.8% of the suffrages.

After the secretary of the board, Josep Cubells announced the results, Laporta appeared euphoric before the press, describing the day as “A historic day that we have demonstrated our democratic vocation and our institutional strength. It is a success for Barcelona fans, we are proud of our uniqueness. The members have spoken and have decided because in this club they are the owners ”.

The president assured that “the management of this loan and the entire project will be absolutely transparent, we began to work to carry out a collective and transversal dream that goes beyond the boards of directors ”.

Joan Laporta also stressed that “this successful electronic referendum makes us pioneers in European sport and opens doors to new projects that can be decided with this way of voting.”

On election day, the players from the various sections of the club who are members participated and even former president Joan Gaspart came to the Camp Nou to vote in some terminals arranged there.

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