Mbappé tells how he has adapted to Messi

Kylian Mbappé has not stopped today. After leaving his interview with Paris Match this morning, the French international has granted another in the afternoon to the official PSG website. Although in it he has not detailed anything about his future, the forward has trusted and has recognized how his adaptation has been with Leo Messi in the French capital.

“Adaptation is faster when the human bond is strong. This helps you and you have less complexes and fewer fears. The new player arrives with certainty, with patterns that he has already worked on. Even with a player like Messi, who played for Barcelona and did the same for 15 years. It worked there, but when he came here, it’s different ”, Mbappé has acknowledged on the official PSG website.

In addition, the crack of the Parisian team was optimistic to generate a synergy with the only seven-time Ballon d’Or winner: “We create this in training, with passing circuits that are developed. It is not necessarily in every tactical job, but you create a connection, you know that when he is there, he can do this … You learn to know the player. There is a difference between watching the player on television, because you learn to know what he likes to do and what he doesn’t. Adaptation is also knowing what your colleagues want ”.

Finally, the former Monaco player also had words to talk about his relationship with the rest of the dressing room, something he considers very good: “I get along with everyone. I speak several languages ​​so it is also very easy. I’ve been here a long time, I’m one of the leaders of the dressing room and I try to help everyone. Because I am convinced that we need everyone to win. We have a lot of great players and all of them will have their time ”.