Aperribay acknowledges that Januzaj already has a renewal offer

Some Aperribay, president of the Real society, has valued the support received at the annual General Meeting by the shareholders of the San Sebastian club, and has also referred to other current issues.

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Satisfaction. “When you talk about the best, you look at the response of the people, which is being extraordinary, when you see that you have 37,000 members when before the works we had 24,000 members. The response of the fans is very good for the future of the Real “.

Agreement with CVC. “When we advocate to maintain who we are, I would like the League and the clubs to maintain their financial situation for a long time, for there to be a link between the clubs and the fans, it seems very important to me. And from the point of view of growth we are at stake a lot, and we cannot leave those duties for 15 years from now. It seems to me that this is a very important moment for the financial content of the league. “

Call to the Federation. “I don’t think there is a conflict between clubs, you have to think about the league, and explain it well to the Federation, because there is also a lot of play. And I honestly think we have to be there.”

Anoeta and its capacity. “I believe and hope that it does not stay small. But I hope that it can stay small later, it will be a good sign. The atmosphere that is being generated is extraordinary and what we have to do is promote it.”

Unexpected subscriber growth. “Of course it has been pleasant news, I was one of those convinced that it was going to happen, but you have to bear in mind that we have suffered a pandemic. If you add the pandemic to the remodeling period, what has happened is something It is extraordinary, it is that it has been the best of the last year. The pity is that last year I was not in the field. I am sure that Real will experience very good moments in the future. “

Board assessment. “It has been a very quiet meeting, thank the attendees, that is good for Real, thank you for helping to continue fighting for the future.”

Sustainable growth. “La Real has to grow by adding and being the owner of its future. And it seems to me that it is the owner of its future. Knowing how to bring generations together and attract players to improve what Zubieta offers can lead you to compete with the greats at a certain time” .

Throwing objects. “We have received fines and warnings, and there is a risk of closure. Please don’t let people throw things out onto the field. We have been longing for what we are experiencing in the stands for a long time, to see how the entire field celebrates the goals from behind, and in the end the coexistence in the spaces to continue on that path. These are behaviors that lead us nowhere. And there have been personal reproaches to those who have seen throwing something. The person we have identified is 16 years old, the person who launched the bottle to the referee is 12 years old, and we are investigating to sanction if necessary. “

That the subsidiary play after the first team. “It is not convenient. For security reasons, but assessing was valued, but that possibility is not easy.”

Januzaj Renovation. “We have had a sincere meeting. We have already put all the positions on the table. And hopefully it can be done. I do not think that his representative has talked about Januzaj with Barcelona, ​​they are rumors that come out and I do not know to what extent they are true. The talks to renew are like this, he has an offer that if he accepts he will stay, and if not, we will have to fight to be as high as possible this year. “

Strengthen the subsidiary. “It is being considered, yes. At the moment Jonatan Gómez is coming from the United States.”

Reinforcements in the winter market. “We have not talked about it yet, there is no position on that. The technicians already know that it is necessary to strengthen the team, it will be valued, but it has not been talked about yet.”

Stuck in League. “Honestly, I would be wrong to value specific moments. That we are not well is obvious. I think the team is doing it in an extraordinary way and I am sure that they will find the way to win again. Whenever the team has needed to win, He has. We have a very young team and you have to trust them. “