The Sepe will call workers with employment to fill vacancies

Public employment services will no longer be limited to marrying companies looking for workers with unemployed people who demand job placement. The Draft Employment Law, to which you have had access eE, changes the concept of intermediation and sets the goal of finding the most suitable candidates for each job vacancy, regardless of whether they are unemployed or busy.

Article 50 determines that among the actions of the intermediation agencies (public or private) is, in addition to “putting job offers in contact with people looking for a job”, the “selection for a job of people who , without having to be current job seekers, may be suitable for it “.

Something that any “intermediation agent” will be able to do, regardless of whether they are the public employment services or the employment agencies, both the proper ones, as well as those specialized in outplacement or personnel selection. The bill determines that, regardless of whether the agent is public or private, the intermediation is considered “public”. And all of them will be obliged to guarantee a “labor intermediation to workers and employers, without territorial barriers.” Conversely, users of public employment services have the right to access jobs in any territory under the same conditions and to receive any help provided by the public services of that autonomous community.

Collaboration between public employment services with employment agencies may consist of the granting of public subsidies, administrative contracting or any other legal form in accordance with state or regional regulations. However, those employment agencies that act for profit must, apart from the publicly agreed activity, carry out at least 40% of their activity with their own funds. In any case, whether for profit or non-profit purposes, they must be subject to efficiency indicators determined by the law itself.

Likewise, private placement agencies will be obliged to supply the public employment services with information on the workers served and the activities they carry out, as well as on the job offers and professional profiles that correspond to those offers. The law establishes that both the form and the periodicity will be determined by regulation.

The public employment service will have the obligation to establish for each user an “individualized itinerary or plan of action in one month, starting from the creation of their user profile”.

Obligation to take the job

The user must sign an “agreement or commitment” with the public employment services that obliges him to actively participate in the services and activities included in the agreement, and “where appropriate, the acceptance of a suitable job offer”.

In this sense, if after six months from the registration in the employment services, the users have not received an adequate job offer, they will have to send them “an express and written justification of the reasons”. Justification to be repeated every six months. In addition, public services are required by law to guarantee at least one annual supply to each unemployed person.

The objective of the Government with this law is to equate the employment (or occupation) rate in 30 years with the most advanced countries of the EU, which will mean raising it 15 points, from 65% to 80%. This means placing the employment or occupation rate at the level of the most advanced countries such as Germany or the Scandinavians.
