The FIFA, in full controversy after the position of the Qatari government on the LGTBI, has just published a code of conduct precisely against any discrimination.
The mission of the FIFAAccording to the aforementioned document, it consists of “promoting football, protecting its integrity and bringing it closer to everyone.”
As established in its Statutes and in its Human Rights Policy, the FIFA “It has made a clear commitment to the promotion of human rights, which includes the right to live without any type of discrimination, harassment, mistreatment or exploitation.”
The FIFA Remember that everyone has the right to be protected from discrimination, harassment, mistreatment and exploitation, whether of a physical, emotional or sexual nature, neglect, harassment or discrimination based on age, race, skin color, origin ethnic, national or social, sex, disability, language, religion, political or other opinion, economic situation, inequality, birth or any other condition, sexual orientation or any other reason: “When a member of the football family, such as players, coaches, officials, match organizing agents and intermediaries, audiovisual partners in competitions of the FIFA, volunteers or employees with any type of position or function, suffers or participates in mistreatment or improper conduct, the mission of the FIFA and the promotion of the integrity of football and the values of safe sport are not being complied with ”.
This code of conduct establishes the principles and norms of safeguarding and fighting “against discrimination that are expected of all persons who request, receive or use an accreditation card in a competition of the FIFA”.
Specifically, this code of FIFA conduct seeks to protect the rights and interests of persons under the age of eighteen, as well as those adults who FIFA determine as belonging to groups that deserve special attention, given that, under certain conditions and as a result of their environment, they are more exposed to abuse or neglect in football. They include young adults, women, and people with disabilities.
Declaration acknowledges not having sexual crimes or violence
By applying for and using an accreditation card in a FIFA competition, the accredited person:
It will be considered that you have confirmed your total commitment to the values expressed in this code of conduct and that, at all times, you respect the provisions contained therein.
In addition, and according to the same code, “it declares that it has never been convicted of a sexual crime or violence against children, young people or vulnerable adults, nor has it been prohibited from working with said individuals or disabled to do so in any country”
The accredited person agrees to:
1-, collaborate so that FIFA competition is safe, inclusive, diverse and equal for all;
2-, consider their conduct and respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people, with special attention to children and vulnerable adults, and without discriminating against others for reasons of age, race, skin color, origin ethnic, national or social, sex, disability, language, religion, political or other opinion, economic situation, birth or any other condition, sexual orientation or any other reason;
3- communicate at all times and immediately any case of misconduct, harassment or abuse to the person in charge of safeguarding the competition, to the anonymous reporting system or any other means established for the FIFA competition, or to the relevant public authorities, and always guaranteeing that confidential information is not disclosed;
4- respect their position of trust and maintain appropriate boundaries with children, youth and vulnerable adults;
5- combat and report any form of intimidating behavior between and towards any individual.
In addition, in those countries where the activities of an accredited person include working with children, youth or vulnerable adults, they must:
A- always act in favor of the interests of children, young people or vulnerable adults;
B-Lead by example by exercising and encouraging sportsmanship and being a role model for children and youth. This includes not drinking alcohol, not using illegal or recreational drugs, and not using foul, racist, homophobic, or other discriminatory language in the presence of children and youth;
C- report any suspicion about the situation of a child, a young person or a vulnerable person to the person in charge of safeguarding the competition, to the anonymous reporting system or any other means established for the FIFA competition, or to the relevant public authorities, position that you must be aware that doing nothing is not an acceptable response;
D- make sure that the time spent with children, young people or vulnerable adults is carried out in an open environment in the presence and sight of other people;
E-guarantee the safety of children, youth and vulnerable adults through proper supervision of all activities;
F-, communicate with children, young people and vulnerable adults in a constructive and age-appropriate manner, without ever raising the tone of voice or subjecting them to humiliation;
G- offer real opportunities that allow assessing the contribution of children, youth and vulnerable adults to a team or a project.
It is forbidden to stay alone with a child
In addition, the Code of Conduct makes it clear that the accredited person should never interact alone and in a private space with a child or young person of whom he is not a legal guardian. Nor will you be able to have sexual intercourse with any child or young person. This includes making comments with sexual connotations to children or young people, or directly consenting to or participating in verbal, physical or sexual provocation or inappropriate physical contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults. In this context, by inappropriate it is understood, ”among other actions, physical contact with the buttocks, genitals or breasts of a person as well as capturing or exploiting a child, young person or vulnerable adult in order to obtain personal benefit and economic”.
As is logical, it prohibits “intentionally causing physical harm to a child, young person or vulnerable adult or threatening to cause it or showing any form of intimidating behavior against any person or group of people”
It is also strictly forbidden to behave in a way that makes a child, young person or vulnerable adult cry, frightens or humiliates them as a form of control or to participate with children or young people in activities on social networks that could reasonably be considered inappropriate “
Expulsion from all FIFA headquarters
If the accredited person breaches this code of conduct, FIFA will take appropriate measures against him, including, among others, his expulsion from all FIFA competition venues and the suspension of accreditation rights indefinitely or for the duration of the accreditation. the investigation. They may also include or lead to the initiation of legal proceedings against the accredited person by the relevant authorities in that person’s home country or in the host country of the FIFA competition.
Initiate legal proceedings
Failure to comply with this code of conduct could also lead to the initiation of legal proceedings by the relevant football governing body, depending on the regulations or regulations to which the accredited person is subject, such as the FIFA Statutes, the Code of FIFA Ethics and the FIFA Disciplinary Code, or the equivalent regulations of the relevant national football federation or confederation.
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