Ibra: “I advised Mbappé to go to Madrid”

Zlatan Ibrahimovic gave a long interview to the ‘Corriere della Sera’ to promote her new book, “Adrenalina”, which will go on sale tomorrow. The Swede, as always when he speaks, left phrases that will cause controversy and that will have to be added to the huge list of his appointments: “I don’t believe in God, I only believe in myself. When you are dead, you are dead. I don’t even know if I want a funeral or a grave, a place where people who loved me suffer. ”He spoke of his difficult childhood in Sweden and, obviously, a lot of football.

Childhood: “I always suffered. As soon as I was born, the nurse made me fall from a meter high. At school it was different: everyone was blonde, I was dark and had a big nose. They always hated me. With the girls I was very shy, she pointed it out at me I had to say: painful. I made love for the first time when I was 17, when I came out of the Malmoe ghetto. “

Capello: “It made me think only of the goal, he annihilated me all the time. When I arrived, I found him reading the Gazzetta, I said ‘good morning’ and he didn’t even look at me. Then he got up, closed the newspaper and left without saying a word “.

Moggi: “With me he has been the top, and those two scudetti that they took from Juve we have won. Nobody can cancel the sweat, the work, the suffering, the goals. When they say that I won 11 leagues, I answer that there are 13.”

Photo by Ibrahimovic

Berlusconi: “He was too nice. One Sunday we were in San Siro and he asked me to change places because ‘someone very important’ was coming. I thought he was a politician, and instead he was a beautiful woman. Berlusconi winked at me: ‘very important … ‘. For him it was real, maybe. “

Mihajlovic: “We were fighting on the pitch, now he calls me ‘my son’. When he had the same illness as my brother Sapko, I was about to sign for Bologna for him.”

Materazzi: “With his tickets he wanted to do damage, and footballers understand right away if you want that or just be tough like Chiellini, Stam or Maldini. He had a pending bill and he paid it in a derby. He made a tackle with his feet up, I avoided him and I hit him with an elbow. Inzaghi commented: ‘The best derby of my life: 1-0, goal by Ibra, Materazzi in the hospital.’ It was a joke, obviously. “

Lukaku: “He attacked me on a personal level, a shock. We had been partners … He never accepted the bet of 50 pounds for each failed check. He has a big ego, but I grew up in the ghetto and if someone hits, I answer. I did damage where it hurts the most: the mother’s rituals, and she lost control. I still have one doubt: we lost that derby and I, later, got injured. What if the voodoo was true? I also have a pending account with him. Let’s see if we’ll see each other soon, in the field. But I don’t hate anyone, and neither does he. “

Messi the Christian: “I say Messi, because we played together. We had a professional relationship, but this year’s Ballon d’Or was deserved by Lewandowski. The best in history? Ronaldo Nazario. As a child I imitated him.”

Maradona: “It’s a myth, after seeing a documentary I decided to go to Naples to win the scudetto like him. It was all done, but De Laurentiis fired Ancelotti. So I said to Raiola: which team is worse? Milan had lost 5- 0 against Atalanta. ‘Determined, here we go … “.

Mbappé: “I advised him to go to Madrid, it’s true. He needs a more structured environment, like that of the whites. However, later I told the president of PSG that he should not sell him …”.