Laso: “In the double rounds of the Euroleague you have to get into the second game quickly”


The Real Madrid basketball coach, Pablo Laso, demanded concentration for the visit of the Red Star this Thursday because “in the double rounds of the Euroleague you have to quickly get into the second game” and because his rival has shown that he is “very competitive” .

“In the double rounds of the Euroleague you have to quickly get into the second game. If you come from losing you have to turn it around, change things and dynamics, and if you come from winning, try to maintain them,” Laso warned in statements to the official media of the club.

The coach from Vitoria believes that it will be “very important for the team to get hooked on the game quickly” and asked “to give it the importance it has and play serious.” “We know that in the physical aspect the two teams are not going to be at their best and that we both have people ‘touched’. They are situations that must be accepted and I am sure they come with the desire to get a victory. We have lost a game in Madrid with them and we have to be very attentive from the beginning, “he stressed.

The Madrid coach made clear the dangers of the Serbian team, which has “a battery of outside players who can play in different positions” and who are “solid on the inside.” “It is a team that we have to respect and their numbers in the Euroleague show that they are very competitive,” he remarked.

“We have very good moments with others not so good, some more losses that we can avoid. These are situations that we must polish and improve, but it is part of growth and it is good to value the effort that the team is making in a situation in which we have to five casualties. Many of them are adding minutes, trips, games and are being very competitive, “Laso added about his team.