We all want a full life. But what does it consist of? I guess it depends on the expectations and dreams of each one. For Juan Carlos Unzué, a full life is what he is doing right now by publicizing ALS, a neurodegenerative disease for which there is still no cure and for which he was diagnosed in July 2019.
The former goalkeeper of Barcelona, Osasuna, Sevilla, Tenerife and Oviedo, and former coach of Numancia, Racing, Celta and Girona, has turned to raising awareness about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and raising funds for the investigation of this irreversible and fatal condition .
From his wheelchair, this tireless fighter with a perpetual smile affirms that he is in the best moment of his life. Organize charity golf or paddle tennis tournaments. It has pending to specify a date in 2022 for the friendly between FC Barcelona and Manchester City. He attends talks to support the research and dissemination of his disease. And he has just written a four-handed solidarity book with journalists Marcos López, Ramon Besa and Lu Martin. Almost nothing.
By the way, from Barça they have contacted him to go one day to La Masía to share his experience with the young promising Barça players. Surely with his optimistic and vitalist speech they discover that there is life beyond football. “A full life”, as the title of his book.