Shuai Peng disappears after accusing former vice president of China of rape

The China Shuai Peng (35 years old), reputed doubles player who became world number 1 in 2014 and champion at Wimbledon and Roland Garros, alarmed his followers at the beginning of November when he stated on the social network ‘Weibo’ that the exviceprimer ministro de China, Zhang Gaoli (75), forced him to have sex three years ago. The newspaper The world He said when the events occurred that the comment was censored within twenty minutes of its publication, but enough time to alarm thousands of users.

Now, Simon Leplâtre, Shanghai correspondent for the aforementioned French newspaper, has raised the alarm by stating that the tennis player is missing and completely inactive since then in her social networks. “Such rape accusations affect such a high-ranking leader within the Chinese Communist Party for the first time. But the total silence of the young woman since the case was made public generates fears of the worst of her “, stated the journalist.

The uncertainty only increases with the passing of days due to the lack of information from Peng Shuai, so many Internet users have begun to theorize about his whereabouts, and even to value the possibility that he had fled China to take refuge in the United States.