Sevilla shareholders approve Castro’s accounts and reject the cessation of the council

Del Nido, protagonist at the meeting: “Let the notary public take note, he is not letting me vote”


The general meeting of shareholders of Sevilla FC approved this Tuesday the annual accounts of the entity by 54% of the votes and rejected a dismissal of the current board of directors in a meeting, held at the Palacio de Congresos in the Andalusian capital, where the Former president José María del Nido was the protagonist.

The 192 shareholders who participated in the meeting, a total of 2,506 represented (88.27% of the capital), lived a turbulent afternoon, full of interruptions that began from the very constitution of the table. Del Nido, who had been assuring for days that he will return to the club “yes or yes”, used the regulations to begin his protests.

The current president, José Castro, withdrew the floor on several occasions and threatened his expulsion after Del Nido reiterated the illegality of the junta. Several of the members who support him did the same asking for the “nullity” of the meeting. The meeting continued its course and ended up being a ‘match ball’ saved by Castro.

The person in charge of presenting the first items on the agenda, relating to the club’s accounts, was the general manager José María Cruz, who confirmed the increase in the turnover to 170.7 million euros, as well as the decrease in the results from disposals and other income.

“The total ordinary and extraordinary income is 192.9 million, compared to the 228.7 million of the previous one. The growth in the turnover is significant, but also the decrease in the results from disposals due to the fall in the last two transfer markets, “he summarized.

The cost of the registrable workforce is somewhat higher and the cost of depreciation plus costs for transfers is very similar to the previous year. In total, income goes from 172 million to 164 million, which gives, before taxes, 39.1 million, which becomes 41.3 million after taxes, “said Cruz, who specified that 27 million of those 39 , 1 are “direct effect of COVID”.

Furthermore, given that the management approval of the Board of Directors did not require any exposure, the proposed distribution of the result was reiterated, “consisting of applying the loss of 41.3 million euros to reduce the voluntary reserves, which would become a figure of 50 million euros “, explained from the club. The accounts were approved by the positive vote of 54.04% of the shares.

In this vote, the sector represented by Del Nido decided to abstain; Thus, 45% of the Seville shareholders opted for this option, as in the approval of the management (52.12%) of the current board, which will continue in its position after the proposal for the replacement of current managers.

“I want to show that my right to vote is curtailed in a general meeting, that enough votes are curtailed to overturn the proposal of the board that will approve it without my vote and that consequently I propose to all the grouped shareholders that abstain on this point, “Del Nido said before the vote.

This proposal was voted against by the majority of Sevilla FC shareholders. In this way, the votes regarding the reduction of the Council members and the appointment of new members were rendered ineffective. These points were included in the agenda by the shareholder Sevillista Unidos 2020, SL

However, the result of the vote strengthened Castro and his current management team – among which is Del Nido Carrasco, the son of the former president – will continue in his position. In total, 0.51% of the shares voted in favor of the relief, while 77.01% did so against. In addition, 1.7% of blank votes and 20.8% of abstentions were registered.