A club more seller than buyer

We are a selling club. Did someone not know? Athletic resembles those stylized figures of Giacometti.

It is in the bones. Sucked, lean, drier than wet. And in full existential crisis.

After the good times of Urrutia, which filled the coffers of Ibaigane thanks mainly to the payments of the termination clauses of some of its strategic players – read Ander Herrera, Javi Martínez, Laporte or Kepa – and its continued presence in Europe, the The arrival of the Covid pandemic has revealed a more structural and worrying face of the rojiblanco club, although known for decades, but that few seemed to want to see.

Athletic members discuss at the bar and on the forums about the signing of this or that player likely to land in Lezama as if money were never a problem and as if everyone was willing to kill to come to Bilbao Nothing further from reality, I’m afraid.

No financial muscle

Economically, there is hardly any financial muscle in Ibaigane, beyond that piggy bank taken from Urrutia’s hat. But, remove and do not put, the pile ends. And among the recordable basques, either there is nothing appetizing or what there is happens of our siren songs.

The feeling that remains after listening to the accountant of the Athletic Board of Directors is that we can prepare for a big sale. As after the Bayern Munich or Manchester City checks, the conclusion I draw is that we sell our portents – those who stand out from the average, rather – to be able to pay the pieces of chips of a good number of our middling companies. .

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