“It will be a long time before this record is broken, but it will fall”

The appointment took place yesterday after Athletic's morning training session. AS brought Larrañaga and Iñaki Williams together in a doggy morning, With the flood adding to a historic gathering. The lion has just beaten the former realist in consecutive games in the First Division. They connect right away. The meeting, the first between the two, is very affectionate, far from the usual bouts between Athletic and Real Sociedad. They represent two generations very far apart in time, but they feel very close. Between the two they add 405 consecutive games (203 Iñaki and 202 Larrañaga), the barbarity of ten years, ten months and twelve days without missing the football event. The iron men.

“I wanted to meet you Juanan, at first I didn't know what the record was or how many games it was in or who had it. An honor that was from someone like you. I'm sorry I beat you, but it was my turn. I have surpassed you by far effort, you've made it difficult for me. I didn't even think about it in my best dreams and I'm super happy. ” Iñaki greets Larrañaga cordially and with grace on one of Lezama's balconies that overlooks the field where Athletic trains. “I'm glad it was you, someone close to me. Man, I would have preferred someone of mine, from La Real, to pass me by, but if it's not like that, because that is you knows me very well, I really tell you. No I feel that I have lost something, on the contrary, it has helped me to know you personally and be close to you “, explains the excentral, eternal player of the Real attached to his perpetual mustache. One more mutual carantoña and both pose under the arch of the old San Mamés, which now rests in the rojiblancas facilities. “Hey, Imaz (a former Real player and former Athletic delegate) has given me memories for you. Football passes quickly! I have more and more ailments,” laughs Iñaki. “I'm at the movies, to play. Yes, allow me a veteran's advice: enjoy Iñaki, this ends quickly. Football is a blessing, but it goes at full speed. And on top of that, you're with your brother. How good! I hope you mark an era. ” Both are still very comfortable with the conversation and Iñaki concludes: “That is what I tell Nico, enjoy, sacrifice, but take advantage of every minute.”

Larrañaga is a txuri-urdin on enemy soil, where the future of the eternal rival, Athletic, is forged. “Before he often came to Lezama, to comment on Bilbao Athletic's matches in Second B,” he says, referring to his role as an analyst at ETB. He is currently on Basque public television and in Euskadi Irratia, and lends a hand to some friends who are in charge of the Mundarro de Astigarraga, in Preferente. “My last game in Anoeta was against Athletic. Then I played in Albacete and it was over.” One could be listening to both for hours without intervening.

Well, here they are, together 505 consecutive league games between the two. It is said soon!

Iñaki Williams. I have heard the name Juanan Larrañaga many times. I did not know him personally and it is an honor to be here with a footballer who has been so great. He is the voice of experience, with many games with Real on his legs, 589.

Juanan Larrañaga. The logical thing was that Iñaki surpassed me. He does not see cards regularly because his behavior is good, nor does he have injuries. The records are to be broken. There always comes one that surpasses you. I congratulate you.

I. W. It is a pride to have him around and to be able to chat with him, I want to thank him for having come to Lezama. Between the two of us we have made history. He is a legend of the Real.

J. L.. I have not thought during this time about who could break my mark, they are circumstances that occur. Iñaki has earned it, I have not been nervous these days.

Ten years between the two of them adding consecutive league games … Juanan, from June 21, 1987 to November 22, 1992; and Iñaki, from April 20, 2016 to October 1, 1,990 days.

I. W. Juanan would think it was difficult to pass 202. I have arrived and I have overcome it. I know it's difficult, what it entails … but anything is possible. I'm sure someone will arrive in a few years and I have to congratulate them and congratulate them. PIt will roast a long time until this record is broken, but it will fall. Hopefully it's my little brother Nico. I am very proud of what I have achieved thanks to all my teammates, trainers and the genetics that my parents have given me.

J. L. That time more than many play their entire lives in the elite at different stages. Many years.

Iñaki jokingly says that he has achieved it by being black and from Bilbao, a cocktail of resistance. But this man next door is white and Azpeitia and has been with the registry for almost 30 years!

I. W. If Hahaha. It is a different football, different times, and the two records have merit. Being central and not having cards drawn … I read that he had played undercover. I know what it is to play with pain, it is not easy and putting your health at risk for the benefit of the team speaks well of the people. They showed me two yellow cards in 2016, against Villarreal, and they sent me off for tickets. But in my case, in this resistance test I think there is a lot of genetics.

J. L. What Iñaki has done is incredible. Having spent five years without muscle injuries such an explosive footballer, his physique is privileged … I had to infiltrate the 1987 Zaragoza Cup final.

Have you seen many matches of each other?

I. W. I summaries. And a documentary of his last game in Anoeta, against Athletic.

J. L. Yes, of course, if out of 203 in a row I have not seen any, bad …

Neither was aware at first that he was beginning to make history.

J. L. When they told me about it, I was proud of what I had done. The feeling is weird, because now everything is data that you can take to the millimeter. Before you played games and you didn't find out about anything else. At the end of the year they told you: you have played 30, 40 … Well, okay. You did not keep track of anything and less, of having been five years without missing one.

I. W. I was aware little by little, until today.

Did you ever see the streak in jeopardy?

I. W. I get along well with the referees, but you are always exposed to an injury or a coach who does not see fit for you to play. I have to thank those who have been there these five years for always counting on me. Juanan, being central it is difficult to resist for cards.

J. L. Those who scratched in my time were Gorriz and Gajate, I was protected and there was no risk. Yes I was close to a sanction once, but I got away, there was a problem with a card in Santander.

Zubi was 184 and a strike for the lien deprived him of reaching 288. Goalkeepers have it easier.

J. L. I do not know if easier. You have to always be well and it is complex for everyone. They all have merit, no matter the position.

I. W. When I passed Di Stéfano, Zubi, Arconada … I was beginning to be aware of the scale of his feat.

And as coaches, Muñoz had 417 matches in a row and Caparrós, 380. By the way, the next longest-lasting active player is Morales, with 109.

J. L. They are numbers, I already said that before we hardly noticed that.

I. W. With the coaches it is another facet.

Toshack prevented Gorriz from reaching 600 matches in total as txuri-urdin, he left him at 599. Many things influence here. Larrañaga acted with pain in many games. In his record there are 195 who played completions, that is 96 percent of the time.

J. L. It is a nuance, but the situation is what it is. I wasn't thinking about that then, just about playing. I don't think Iñaki has managed his efforts to beat the mark or that they have given him anything. He has deserved to play every minute he has had.

I. W. Many circumstances come together. Football before and now are different. It is not only that you are well, the team has to be well. They have to help you a lot. I can not complain.

But the physical influences. Juanan, what advice would you have given Iñaki if he asked for it in this process towards the record?

J. L. Tips, few. You have enough experience. I'm happy, there is always someone who breaks numbers that seem impossible.

I. W. I would have gladly accepted the advice. Before it was also played on much worse fields and there were not so many keepers.

Larra, he loves that a close player has beaten him, but if it had been from the Real …

J. L Well, ideally, I would feel better, for being your colors. As it could not be, well, let the brand stay in the Basque Country. Oyarzabal, who hardly ever rests, may be there, but a series of circumstances have to occur. Nothing happens, we will continue to be from the Real, nothing will change.

Real and Athletic, eternal rivalry. Also historically united by many details. Like this…

I. W. We are Basque teams that are doing things very well. A few years they are better; others, us, but sportsmanship always prevails. We have met in the fields and we have a very good vibes, although each one defends his own, from respect and sportsmanship. We have plenty of that.

J. L. The rivalry has always existed, but it was healthy. In my time it was to win the League, imagine!

Recently there was a final between Athletic and Real, in the Cup.

J. L. The rivalry always has to be, that the two teams are up and reach the finals is important for Euskadi.

I. W. We have that thorn that they beat us to it. Then there was an opportunity for revenge against Barça, but we were also denied. They are one of the saddest moments of my life, although in a footballer's career it often happens that you lose more times than you win. It helps you to come out stronger.

In front of the homage the other day to Iñaki in San Mamés, with Juanan everything went unnoticed …

J. L. Each one celebrates it as it should. The club is what you have to do. At that time none of this was celebrated, only the Leagues and the Cups, or the farewell of some. At that time something like this was unthinkable.

I. W. I was moved to see two kids who were born at important moments in my career (two partners, Peio, who was born the same day as Iñaki and Iker's debut, who did it a day before starting their journey in this feat of 203 matches). ) and that they gave me the shirt along with Nico and my other 'brother' Iker, the captain. Too bad my parents were not in the field because they had a trip, but it gave me goose bumps when I was able to enjoy it with a San Mamés with many people. It tastes better when celebrating with a victory. Everything went round. I enjoyed it with the people who love me and help me. The fans are in the good and the bad.

Juanan, when did your record run out?

J. L. I've been asked several times, but I have no idea. What usually happens in these cases, someone else would be better than me and they put someone else in the lineup. I cannot back down and it would be absurd to give it importance. I do remember that my last game at Anoeta was against Athletic. Then I played in Albacete and it was over.

Would they change the record for titles?

J. L. The titles are enjoyed by many and above all, by the fans. More than the record, I value having been in my team, I have felt the colors and I have won titles. And I have played a lot of games, many of them in a row. I have enjoyed it from the inside and now I do it from the outside. The rest are things that happen. I was making history without knowing it, but what has given me so much pride this time is having lasted all those years

I. W. Before the individual I put the collective and my dream was to be in Athletic and win great things with this family. He changed the record for many things. This year we have another opportunity, we can do better than the last.

Up to what figure can Iñaki reach?

J. L. As far as I can and leave him health. Hopefully he has no injuries, the coach can count on him and continue to contribute to the team. This seems to be going on for a long time.

I. W. I don't know, it's a nice figure. Without going crazy, hopefully I can increase it, I'm going to keep working. I was not paying attention to the games I had left. People kept reminding me of the ones I was missing, but it seemed to me that it might give me bad luck to be so aware. I didn't want to talk in case something happened to me. I've already removed that thorn. Now, to try to expand the number, to leave it as high as possible for the next one. I intend to continue enjoying what I do and improving. The record is the result of a lot of work and I think I still have fuel for a while.

They say soccer passes fast.

J. L. I do not look back but forward. In football you remember almost everything good. Family is the most important. I watch soccer and I enjoy it. Iñaki knows how everything is going and he enjoys the moments very intensely because of what he has lived through.

I. W. I look back and it seems that it was yesterday when I made my debut for Athletic. You have to enjoy. You have bad and good times, you meet people and it is a pride to enjoy Athletic

At least Larra keeps the Real derby record with Athletic: 27

They will also take it from me, ha ha ha. Not bad, right?

And the quarry, how do you see it on both sides of the AP-8?

J. L. La Real is giving young kids many more opportunities. One thing is because he has no other choice due to the number of injuries he has and another is that the young people who have come out are giving the level. They are contributing. There has been a style of work for the last twelve years at Zubieta and it is paying off. In Lezama work is also being done well and little by little results will be seen.

I. W. Now a lot of kids are coming up, my brother, for example. I think there is a great future ahead.