The lack of goal with respect to the Italians is worrying

Since the marches of Villa and Torres, goals have always been the subject of debate in the Spanish team and in this call they are missing more than ever. The 20 (not counting the three goalkeepers) of this call for Luis Enrique have only scored 27 goals for the national team. The one who has celebrated the most in red is Ferran Torres, with 10.

The lack of scoring experience of the players who are active with the national team is really worrying. More than Ferran, only Ramos (23), Morata (22) and Isco and Alcácer (both with 12) have scored. Oyarzabal, who has scored 5 goals with the National Team, is the other great hope for Spain since he is the squad with the best scoring record this season with 6 goals.

For its part, Italy far surpasses us with 68 goals among its internationals. The one who has scored the most with the Azzurra is Insigne who, like Ferran, has scored 10. However, the difference is also in the number of scorers. While there are 16 players in the Italian squad who know what it is to score with the national team, there are only 10 in the Spanish.