The “fictitious” eighth place of the salary limit of Espanyol

With 77 million, the highest wage bill in its history, Espanyol is the eighth club in the championship with the most room to build its squad. A news advanced last morning by the Cope Chain that denotes the great financial moment of the Chen Yansheng entity after the rise and reduction of debt in recent years. Nevertheless, the data is fictitious and in practice places Espanyol somewhat below, due to the fact that there are entities that have exceeded themselves with permission from LaLiga, as happened the previous year to the perico club itself.

This is the case of clubs such as Valencia (30), Barcelona (97) or Betis (70), which are above the limit of a Espanyol that, in addition, has not reached the limit established after the approval of the CVC loan that the competition already has. Espanyol is close to 70 million, so they have a margin of between 7-8 allowed for this campaign. Despite this, Espanyol's situation is one of the most privileged in the championship, in fact, together with Real Madrid, it is the club that grows the limit the most.

Espanyol Shield / Flag

Last year the Blue and Whites, with a fictitious 46 million (actually more), were already the team with the most resources in LaLiga SmartBank and surpassed six First. This course they even exceed the limit of the 2019-20 (68), when they played this time in the Europa League. The published numbers may reflect a contradiction at the sporting level: Espanyol has set salvation with the eighth limit of the championship at the official level, although in practice it is closer to the 12th.

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Vicente Moreno.

The goal is to “not suffer”

“When we went down to Second we said we had to learn from what happened. The objective is to consolidate the team in First Division “Francisco Rufete said after the market closed. Consolidation as a substitute for salvation, as a first step. With its resources, Espanyol has a staff of “Immediate performance” and with footballers with salaries in line with the teams of the upper middle zone of the championship.

There is in Espanyol a tendency to go with lead feet that was reflected in the second day of the championship. “We have nothing to envy Villarreal”said Adrián Embarba. At the end of the week Vicente Moreno stopped the euphoria of the parakeet captain: “We have to be ambitious but we must not confuse.”

Espanyol enjoys one of the best economies in the championship valued by LaLiga and, if the data dictated by the official salary limits were fulfilled, it should be a team that fights to go to Europe although in real terms it is situated in the middle class. With resources and without economic stress, the future of the season will mark the use of these resources by the sports management.