Galán denounces Torres and asks for a sanction like Zidane

LFernando Torres' stage in Atlético's Juvenil A may suffer setbacks coming soon. Or that is what Miguel Galán expects, president of the National School of Soccer Coaches of Spain (CENAFE), which understands that El Niño does not have the necessary qualifications to exercise your position and you have already submitted a complaint to the RFEF accessed by AS. In it he claims a sanction both Torres, second coach, and Ricardo Ortega, first. And he gives as an example the case of Zidane with Castilla in 2014.

Galán warned Atlético of the infraction, but the rojiblanco club defended itself arguing, through a statement, that there was nothing wrong, since Fernando Torres is not the first coach of the Youth, but the second, and for this he does have the required qualification. The former striker has the UEFA ‘A title', And can be an assistant coach. To be the owner you need level 3, for which you are preparing.

However, this did not convince Galán, who understands that it is a correction on the fly and a ruse, according to the words included in the complaint: “This distribution of functions only exists on paper. The reality is just the reverse: Mr. Torres is serving as the first coach of the Atlético de Madrid Youth Division of Honor, while Mr. Ortega's work is basically reduced to what is popularly called 'putting the card on', With all due respect to my colleague by profession. “To reinforce this argument, attached to the complaint videos of Torres during matches and training.

And the complainant also sees that the situation is identical to that of Zinedine Zidane when he took over Castilla, then second to Santiago Sánchez. Galán also filed a complaint “for exercising in Second B without the required qualification.” The Sole Competition Judge, Francisco Rubio, decided to sanction with three months of suspension for Zidane and with the same period for his partner Santiago Sánchez, for giving up the title for another person to perform the functions of coach, “he recalls in the complaint.

For this reason, it argues that if the Competition does not act in the same way, a comparative offense will be produced and that it must punish by applying article 104 of the Disciplinary Code, the one relating to Coaches' Infractions. This says:

“1. The specific fouls of the coaches are:
a) Lend or assign the title, or allow a different person to act as a coach; and develop them, within the club to which services are provided, with greater responsibility or higher category than those agreed.
b) Receive, loaned or assigned, a title To train”.

2. The perpetrator responsible for these kinds of events will be sanctioned with suspension of four to twenty games or one to six months. “

Miguel Galán speaks harshly to Atlético de Madrid in the complaint and also adds a touch to the Federation itself: “That Atlético de Madrid is one of the most recognized institutions in the world and Mr. Torres one of the symbols of this sport is not exempts them from complying with the rules that bind us all. I am convinced that if these facts affected a modest team and a coach without pedigree, the norm would have fallen on them since the beginning of the preseason. Even, possibly, this Federation would have acted ex officio “.