Mario Mandzukic announced his retirement from the playing fields on Friday with an emotional letter. The former Atlético de Madrid striker published a letter on his social networks, In which he had a memory of the most important moment of his career: the goal scored against England in the semifinals of the 2018 World Cup. That goal, in the 109th minute, marked the final 2-1 and qualified Croatia for the 2018 World Cup final.
Dear little Mario. As you put these boots on for the first time, you can't even imagine what you'll come to experience in football. You will score goals on the biggest stages and win the biggest trophies with the biggest clubs. Proudly representing your nation, you will help to write the history of Croatian sport. You will be successful because you will have good people around you: teammates, coaches, fans and family, agents and friends who will always be by your side. You will always be grateful to all of them. Above all, you will be successful because you will always do your best. In the end, that's what you'll be most proud of. You will sacrifice a lot, but you will know that it has been worth it for all the incredible moments. You will recognize the moment to retire, to keep these boots in a closet and you will not regret it. Football will always be part of your life, but you will be waiting for a new chapter. Enjoy!
Your great mario
P.S. If you have to play England in the World Cup, get ready for the 109th minute. “
Mandzukic hangs up his boots after a long career that has led him to defend the shirts of Dinamo Zagreb, Wolfsburg, Bayern, Atlético, Juventus, Al-Dubai and Milan.