The heat goes with Spain

The weather will be a key element in Spain's debut at the Eurocup. The heat, obviously, will be the same for everyone, but La Roja will be much more used to it. Sweden has chosen to prepare the Gothia Park Academy, located in Gothenburg, where they have had temperatures close to 15 degrees during the last days. This clashes radically with what they will find tomorrow at La Cartuja in Seville: 30 degrees are expected at 9:00 p.m., when the match begins.

To this circumstance we must add the style of play of the two teams, because the logical thing is that Sweden will have to be without possession for a good part of the match. “They are very skilled with the ball and you have to move all the time. You cannot stay still, but move constantly. Running without the ball for 90 minutes in 31 degrees heat is not much fun and it will be difficult, ”says Emil Forsberg, Leipzig's playmaker and one of the fundamental men of Spain's rival. “It is important to load a lot of carbohydrates, drink a lot and also be careful in the game,” he deepened.

Alexander Isak, Real forward, who is more used to these temperatures because he has been in LaLiga for two years, also gave an opinion on the subject: “It will be very hot and quite suffocating. But in no case can we use this as an excuse … ”.

To begin to fight it, Sweden has scheduled its training for this Sunday at La Cartuja at 2.30pm!, When it expects about 32 degrees. A shock therapy for players to change the chip and get used to the high Andalusian temperatures after their pleasant previous concentration in Gothenburg.