47 pages and an act that demonstrates the “intent to kill”

This Thursday marks two weeks since the Thai court declared Daniel Sancho guilty of premeditated murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrietasentencing him to life imprisonment. It was on August 29th and on September 12th, the sentence has finally been published. It is 47 pages in which the judge is firm regarding the intention of Rodolfo Sancho’s son: “The defendant’s act of hitting the deceased’s head against the edge of the sink (…) demonstrates intent to kill”he explains.

The magistrate states that the evidence in the proceedings (such as the acquisition of knives and plastic bags one day before the events) amply proves that the Spaniard “prepared” the death of the Colombian surgeon: “The evidence presented by both the prosecution and the co-plaintiffs reinforces the conclusion that the accused was responsible for the death of the victim, although They could not determine precisely the cause of death, “The autopsy was inconclusive as key parts of the body, such as the thorax, were missing.”

A new stage now begins for Daniel Sancho’s defense, who was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the sentence to begin working on the appeals. As the lawyer advanced Marcos Garcia Montesthey still have a long way to go because they believe they have proven, despite the judge’s opinion, that Edwin’s death was accidental and they will take the case to higher courts, they even intend to go to the Supreme Court if necessary. A strategy that many experts have described as “risky”, because it is not usual for the Thai court to rectify its sentences except in very exceptional cases and they believe that far from benefiting Daniel, they could harm him even more: “They could raise the sentence to the death penalty.”
