37.4 million less for the Covid and they negotiate another salary cut with the staff

The Athletic Board accountant, Jon Ander de las Fuentes, backed by the president, Aitor Elizegi, today presented in San Mamés the balance sheet for the previous year and the budget for the current campaign that will be launched at the Assembly of Committed Members that, telematically, will be held on December 27. Given the situation created by the coronavirus pandemic, they explain that one cannot be understood without the other. Both at losses. The negative impact of Covid-19 between the two stands at 37.4 million euros, 22 belonging to the 2019-20 campaign and 15.4 million to 2020-21.

For the 2020-21 season, revenues of 97 million euros have been budgeted, a figure very similar to that obtained the previous season. It should be noted that this comparison is conditioned by the obligation to record income and expenses for the month of July 2020 in the 2020/21 season. And expenses of almost 112 million are expected, with a negative impact from the coronavirus of almost 15.5 million.

The real loss of income due to Covid-19 in the 2020/21 financial year mainly affects three lines of business: membership fees (-17.2 million euros), ticket offices and stadium management (-7.4 million euros). euros) and TV rights (-2.5 million euros).

Regarding this request to the partners to approve the collection of 30% of the cost of the matches, De la Fuentes points out that “presenting an unpopular measure is not easy, but after discussing it in the board we believe that it is acceptable. We are sensitive to the situation and it is an effort, but we did not want to weaken the activity of the club's pillars, paralyzing it would mean losing years of work ”.

They do not have a plan b in this regard because “we are convinced that it is the best that this board can offer. It would be a disappointment if we were not able to convince the partner. If we had been safe, putting the board above the club we would have thrown away supplies to avoid upset. The measures are generating criticism, but without exaggeration ”.

In the 2019-20 balance sheet, losses of 20.85 million euros (96 budget and 117 expenses) are recorded, the same amount as the losses due to the impacts of Covid-19 in the year. De las Fuentes stressed that “with this decision to close the year in losses, we put the interests of the entity first and guarantee the survival and use of the provisions created in the last two seasons to meet the original objective, which obviously did not have considering an extraordinary situation like this pandemic ”.

The board's accountant comments that “we work rigorously to guarantee sustainability” and warns that “the consequences will be more serious in 2020-21 than in the last one already closed”. Although Athletic maintains a solid situation with a net worth of 137.1 million, which represents 44.5% of total liabilities, long-term provisions of 102.2 million and a treasury of 166.2 million as of June 30 2020.

With regard to staff spending, From the Sources He admits that there is “a lot of pressure and comments on the inflation situation of the players, but since the entrance of this meeting, we have worked in line with the commission and the sports management to better adapt expenses and income”.

In addition, the rojiblanco manager has revealed that they maintain contacts with the staff for a reduction in salaries. Last season they accepted that it was 6% and points out that for this next one it will be higher. It was the players who asked about it at the beginning of the course. Data was missing, but progress has been made. From the Sources sees good will in a “negotiation that is open, clean and clear. She is on the right track, but haste is not good counselor. But I think I must be optimistic. “

It puts on the table that “we are at the top of the most solvent entities in the League. Athletic has always been a model of transparency and will continue to be. And with respect to the responsibility for the accounts and losses, generated by the pandemic, that “this board thinks more about the club than about guarantees.”

In this sense, they are not afraid of being executed. “Communication with the CSD and we know that it will not be the case. In public and in private, they have stated that they want to exonerate the directors (of clubs that are not public limited companies) for the losses of Covid-19, ”says De las Fuentes. But remember that “we will always be responsible for 15% of the budget, that will disappear when the term ends and we leave a greater patrimony.” Not counting the coronavirus. In December that law could come to dispense them.