30 prisoners per cell, half naked and without a bed

The last hours are being decisive for Daniel Sancho and his family. This Friday, just 24 hours after the Thai court sentenced the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo to life imprisonment, Sancho Gracia’s grandson will be transferred imminently to the Surat Thani prison accompanied by police officers, as confirmed by the EFE Agency.

With this latest move, for the time being, Sancho will be freed from the Bang Kwang prison, better known as ‘The Great Tiger’. Thus, the destination, confirmed by sources from Daniel Sancho’s defense, is the Surat Thani prison. This prison is on the peninsula of Malavavery close to where the crime was committed approximately a year ago.

Although the exact time of his transfer is unknown, the Spanish chef will be transported from the Koh Samui prison to the Surat Thani prison in armoured police vans to the port in the north of the island. There, accompanied by police officers, Sancho will board a boat and arrive at his new prison in about an hour and a half.

In Surat Thani prison, Sancho Gracia’s grandson will be accompanied by prisoners who have committed blood crimes. In addition, this new prison has 30 prisoners per cell and they sleep on the floor.

Police raids also often end with prisoners half naked and cells turned upside down, as the magazine explained. Readings. In addition, they only accept visits from blood relatives.
