The world of sport continues to be committed to charitable causes such as the fight against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The next third of April starting at 11:00 in the morning will take place in Barcelona a futsal tournament that will aim to raise funds for the fight against this cruel disease.
Organized by the Peña Sportinguista of Barcelona Enrique Castro Quini and with the collaboration of Asturian Center of Barcelonathe Peña Malaguista the 300 and the Peña Zaragocista de Catalunyathe ticket for each tournament will have a price of two euros, intended for organizations that are dedicated to research to fight against IS IT OVER THERE. You can also collaborate through Bizum, transfer or PayPal.
The initiative has the support of two ex-soccer players suffering from IS IT OVER THERE What Marcel Sabou and Juan Carlos UnzueBesides of Sporting de Gijon.
Charity Tournament against ALS on April 3 in Barcelona.
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