Categories: Football

Xavi: “We had bad luck in the draw, Eintracht is better than people think”

Xavi Hernández does not trust a hair of the rival that has touched them in the making, and even less of the label of clear favorite that everyone places on them. “I insist. We have not been lucky in the draw. They may not be as well known as other teams, but they are a very well organized team and they play a different system.

How do you see the tie?

We will not change the approach. Having the ball, high pressure. Eintracht is a great team, although they are not as well known in Spain. We were unlucky in the draw. They already give us in the semifinals, but it will be very hard. It is a team that come out like bullets in transitions.

Have you already thought about how the right side will solve without Dest or Alves?

We have options like Ronald and Mingueza. It is a pity that we cannot have Alves. I already said I was unfair to him. It is true that Eric gives us the ball, but he has also improved a lot Araújo in this regard.

Are you satisfied with Araújo’s renewal?

It is a guarantee for Barcelona. We have central for ten years or more. Few centrals are at his level. He is improving in the exit of the ball. He is a humble, dedicated and hard-working guy. It is a luxury to have it. He has been successful staying at Barcelona.

What sensations do you have with the future of Ousmane?

It is very important for our game. I hope you decide to stay. If we have it next year we will be a better team.

What do you think of Eintracht?

It has top level players, although they are not as well known in Spain. He plays a different system. Very strong physically and very well organized on the pitch.

Are you afraid there will be relaxation?

It would be a huge mistake. There can be no relaxation. They walk over you. There will be no relaxation.

Have you seen the tie against Betis?

Yes. I insist that it is a complicated system to counteract, with two lanes, three defenders. For them it is a historic match. We have to match this extra motivation.

At the squad level, do you see a more favorite team than Barça?

We cannot think beyond the present. I insist that we have not been lucky in the draw.

Are you worried about a very hostile environment?

We have been told that the atmosphere is fantastic. We have to show personality, try to have the ball, avoid transitions, watch the strategy plays.

Have you noticed a change in Dembélé?

He has been exemplary since he arrived, his attitude and involvement. I see him very motivated, happy and with a winning character. It is not a surprise that he comes to train on his holiday.

How long will you wait to know the future of Ousmane?

It is a negotiation. It is an open process. The club knows my priorities and we are working on it.

Ferran has praised him as a coach…

It is clear that he wants to play… I am delighted with my players.

Would you also kidnap Dembélé?

I already signed it for myself. But we don’t have the best financial situation ever, but I know they’re working on it.

Do you have the feeling that people are now proud of the team?

It is clear, worse this can be twisted at any time. But the praise should not confuse us. I don’t need praise for myself. I’m not here for personal glory but for people to feel proud of the team. Being at Barça is a roller coaster.

Does it affect you to have five warned for this game?

We know it, but it won’t affect when making the lineup.

What role awaits Adama?

It will be important. We have several games in a row. We have to make forced rotations.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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