With the actions completed we say goodbye, but do not forget to keep up to date with the main sporting events on this page. See you soon!
The referee's whistle decrees the end of this period.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Cissé's (Olympiakos) foul to Coady.
Vinagre (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Vinagre (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Game underway with a goal kick from Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton).
Ball to the Valbuena (Olympiakos) area.
Jiménez (Wolverhampton) has been shown a yellow card.
Randjelovic wins a free kick from Jiménez (Wolverhampton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Wolverhampton tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Jiménez centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Tsimikas (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Game underway with a goal kick from Allain (Olympiakos).
Wolverhampton attacks from the right wing: Diogo Jota puts the ball in.
Game underway with a goal kick from Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton).
Whoops! Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Fortounis puts the ball in.
Ball to the Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) area.
Crossing into the box: Randjelovic (Olympiakos) takes the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton).
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Cross: Moutinho (Wolverhampton) takes the ball from the left.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Valbuena (Olympiakos) to Moutinho.
Wolverhampton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Moutinho centers from the left wing.
Cross: Moutinho (Wolverhampton) takes the ball from the left.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee signals a foul by Tsimikas (Olympiakos) to Jiménez.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton), who puts the ball into play.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) commits a foul on Elabdellaoui.
Wolverhampton attacks from the right wing: Moutinho puts the ball in.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) takes a corner from the left.
Wolverhampton attacks from the right wing: Moutinho puts the ball in.
Allain (Olympiakos) takes a goal kick.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) tries a shot with his right foot, but the ball flies high and to the left.
The ball goes out and Tsimikas (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) takes a goal kick.
There is a substitution: Cafu replaces Guilherme (Olympiakos).
Mahgoub (Olympiakos) failed. High header that is lost to the right of your target.
Cross: Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the ball from the left.
The ball goes out and Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Nice shot! Great opportunity to go up a bit in the electronic. The protagonist was Mahgoub (Olympiakos), with a header.
Ball into the area of Tsimikas (Olympiakos) from the right.
What an occasion !!! Mahgoub (Olympiakos) has decided to shoot directly at goal, and has finished between the three suits.
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Tsimikas puts the ball in.
The ball goes out and Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Cross to the Valbuena area (Olympiakos).
Game underway with a goal kick from Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton).
Whoops! Guilherme (Olympiakos) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
Ball to the Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) area.
Fortounis (Olympiakos) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Olympiakos tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Elabdellaoui centers from the left wing.
Diogo Jota shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper stops easily.
Throw-in by Tsimikas (Olympiakos), who puts the ball into play.
El Arabi (Olympiakos) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
Ball to the Valbuena (Olympiakos) area.
The ball goes out and Valbuena (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Olympiakos tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Valbuena centers from the left wing.
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Tsimikas puts the ball in.
Randjelovic (Olympiakos) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Tsimikas wins a free kick from Doherty (Wolverhampton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Yellow card for Cissé (Olympiakos).
Lack! Cissé (Olympiakos) has fouled Jiménez.
Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Valbuena puts the ball in.
Foul by Jiménez (Wolverhampton) to Fortounis.
Foul by Dendoncker (Wolverhampton) to Valbuena.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton).
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton), who puts the ball into play.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) takes a goal kick.
Ball to the area of Fortounis (Olympiakos).
The ball goes out and Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Wolverhampton's bench moves with the replacement of Dendoncker by Podence.
Podence (Wolverhampton) is shown a yellow card.
Podence (Wolverhampton) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.
Game underway with a goal kick from Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton).
Center to the area: Valbuena (Olympiakos) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Valbuena (Olympiakos) takes a corner from the right.
Ball to the Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) area.
Fortounis (Olympiakos) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) kicked the ball back into motion.
El Arabi (Olympiakos) takes a shot with his left foot, but the ball does not end between the three sticks.
Outside! Mahgoub (Olympiakos) heads the ball but misses the goal.
Randjelovic (Olympiakos) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Nice shot! Great opportunity to go up a bit in the electronic. The protagonist was El Arabi (Olympiakos), with a header.
Cross to the Valbuena area (Olympiakos).
Cross to the Valbuena area (Olympiakos).
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Valbuena puts the ball in.
There is a substitution: Mahgoub replaces Camara (Olympiakos).
Fortounis wins a free kick from Boly (Wolverhampton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Lack! Neves (Wolverhampton) has committed a foul on Valbuena.
Allain (Olympiakos) starts the play with a goal kick.
Boly (Wolverhampton) tries a low shot with his left foot, but the ball goes off the left post.
Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Ball to the area of Moutinho (Wolverhampton).
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) throws a corner from the right.
The ball flies into the area after a corner kick by Moutinho (Wolverhampton) from the left …
Podence shoots with his right foot a ball that rises and goes over the post that the goalkeeper deflects out.
The referee blows his whistle: Podence (Wolverhampton) fouls Elabdellaoui.
Tsimikas (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton).
Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
There is a substitution: Diogo Jota replaces Traoré (Wolverhampton).
Throw-in by Tsimikas (Olympiakos).
Whoops! Neves (Wolverhampton) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
The ball goes out and Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
No gunpowder! The ball is lost beyond the goal after El Arabi (Olympiakos) manages to head it.
Ball to the Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) area.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Traoré (Wolverhampton) on Valbuena.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) takes a goal kick.
Fortounis (Olympiakos) shoots a volley with his left foot, but the ball goes over the crossbar.
Cross to the Tsimikas (Olympiakos) area.
Valbuena (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Valbuena puts the ball in.
Throw-in Vinagre (Wolverhampton).
The ball goes out and Tsimikas (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) starts the play with a goal kick.
The ball goes out and Tsimikas (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
The game is already in play.
There is a substitution: Fortounis replaces Bouchalakis (Olympiakos).
There is a substitution: Randjelovic replaces Masouras (Olympiakos).
The referee signals the end of this period.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
The referee shows the yellow card to Ba.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Ba (Olympiakos) to Moutinho.
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton), who puts the ball into play.
Ball into the area of Tsimikas (Olympiakos) from the right.
Neves shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper stops easily.
Tsimikas (Olympiakos) has been shown a yellow card.
Foul by Tsimikas (Olympiakos) to Neves.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) takes a goal kick.
Camara tries a low shot with his left foot, but the ball goes through the right post.
Allain (Olympiakos) starts the play with a goal kick.
Masouras (Olympiakos) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.
Allain (Olympiakos) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.
Jiménez (Wolverhampton) tries a shot with his right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
The ball goes out and Tsimikas (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Camara (Olympiakos) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Neves (Wolverhampton) to Valbuena.
What an occasion !!! Masouras (Olympiakos) has decided to shoot directly at goal, and has finished between the three suits.
The referee decides to admonish Moutinho (Wolverhampton).
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) commits a foul on Valbuena.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) kicked the ball back into motion.
Low shot with the head of El Arabi, which ends up coming out of the lower half of the left post.
Olympiakos tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Valbuena centers from the left wing.
Center to the area: Valbuena (Olympiakos) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Hand! The referee appreciates Jiménez (Wolverhampton) infraction and points out the fault.
The ball goes out and Vinagre (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
El Arabi (Olympiakos) is offside and watch the linesman raise his pennant.
The referee whistles Camara (Olympiakos) hands. The ball is put back into motion with a pass.
Game underway with a goal kick from Allain (Olympiakos).
Cross to the Moutinho (Wolverhampton) area.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) takes a corner from the left.
Whoops! Neves (Wolverhampton) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.
Crossing into the box: Traoré (Wolverhampton) takes the ball from the left.
The ball goes out and Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos).
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Lack! Traoré (Wolverhampton) has committed a foul on Masouras.
The referee whistles a violation of Doherty (Wolverhampton) to Masouras.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) takes a goal kick.
Throw-in by Doherty (Wolverhampton), who puts the ball into play.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) kicked the ball back into motion.
Cross to the Valbuena area (Olympiakos).
Valbuena (Olympiakos) takes a corner from the left.
Olympiakos attacks from the right wing: Valbuena puts the ball in.
Valbuena centers closed from the right, but the ball goes directly out.
Good opportunity for Olympiakos, who thanks to Tsimikas' left-handed shot creates danger in the opponent's area.
Rui Patrício (Wolverhampton) takes a goal kick.
Masouras heads low, but the shot goes through the bottom of the left post.
Olympiakos tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Camara centers from the left wing.
Throw-in Vinagre (Wolverhampton).
Throw-in by Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos).
The Wolverhampton bench moves with the replacement of Vinagre by Otto.
Podence (Wolverhampton) throws the ball into play.
Saiss (Wolverhampton) commits a foul on Allain.
Wolverhampton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Moutinho centers from the left wing.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) throws a corner from the right.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) throws a corner from the right.
Ball to the area of Traoré (Wolverhampton).
Camara (Olympiakos) commits a foul on Neves.
The ball goes out and Otto (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Valbuena (Olympiakos) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Valbuena wins a free kick from Saiss (Wolverhampton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Goal! Jiménez (Wolverhampton) has scored !!!
What an opportunity for Jiménez (Wolverhampton) !!! The player shoots directly at goal.
What an opportunity for Jiménez (Wolverhampton) !!! The player shoots directly at goal.
Allain (Olympiakos) commits a foul on Podence.
Otto (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Doherty (Wolverhampton) to El Arabi.
Throw-in by Elabdellaoui (Olympiakos).
Cross: Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the ball from the left.
Otto (Wolverhampton) throws the ball into play.
Neves (Wolverhampton) shoots on goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Wolverhampton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Moutinho centers from the left wing.
Moutinho (Wolverhampton) throws a corner from the right.
Center to the area: Jiménez (Wolverhampton) is the one who puts the ball from the left.
Doherty (Wolverhampton) takes the throw.
Game underway with a goal kick from Allain (Olympiakos).
Jiménez (Wolverhampton) shoots a volley with his right leg, but the ball goes far from the right post.
The referee signals the start of this period.
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