In the turn of questions and answers, Joseba Arreseigor he complained about the arbitrations received and reproached the president for his passivity in the face of the mistreatment suffered by the team in this regard. He also complained about how little the girls charge and Anoeta’s extra cost, highlighting some deviations and putting in doubt the destination of all that money.
About the extra cost, Aperribay He replied stating that “this Board of Directors has not had any intervention in the control of invoices. We knew about them, we have discussed some increases, but we have paid exactly what the City Council has indicated to us, so the control of payments related to the field is absolutely public because it is in the City Council. If the City Council was going to put 10 million, I have not found out because the City Council has not put any euro. And the Basque Government that you say was going to put 14, I have not found out either because it has not put a euro in the field, or in the hockey field, or in the Ernest Lluch, or in the federations. He has put 10 and for something else ”.
Regarding the arbitrations, the president pointed out that “protesting is useless” and recalled that “I am the only president who has had two games thrown out, of which I totally regret it. I don’t think there is bad faith from the referees, but we speak in all places ”.
Regarding how little the members of the women’s team charge, she recalled that “the girls have had a professional contract since 2013. We were the first club. It makes me sad that a member of the Real does not have certain information “, settled
The shareholder 3,217 He asked what happens with the three points that have been taken from the Real female and if anything is being done about it.
The president expressed his desire to recover the three points: “Don’t worry, we will go to Europe if necessary. We have done it in Federation and in Appeal. What you cannot do is adulterate the competition. Three points cannot be removed from a competition that is declared professional. In non-professional competitions we wear the patch ”.
Sebas Martija He congratulated himself on the good performance of the women’s team and asked for a greater investment in it, taking as an example what Barça has done in recent years. He also requested that in the next Board the spending on the women’s team as well as the salary mass be clearly specified in the accounts and that they no longer be included under the heading ‘Sanse and other teams’.
Aperribay He answered pointing out that “the budget for women’s football is 1,364,000 euros and that there are 600,000 euros earmarked for salaries.” He offered the information that “in 3-4 years the payroll has multiplied by two.”
“Women’s football has come to stay,” she said. “At the club we are trying to avoid the word women’s football and we talk more about the girls ‘team because we want to treat the girls’ team as just another team. We want to treat girls ‘soccer like boys’ soccer, but in a sustainable way ”.
Manuel Fernandez He criticized the members for their scant support for Sanse and gave the match against Burgos as an example.
The president thanked him for his words: “We are willing to listen so that the situation improves. Sanse needs the help of its partners, “he said before assuring that” Sanse has the quality to save itself and is going to do a better second round, but we are going to take the necessary measures to increase attendance. “
Gerardo Salaverria He requested that the shareholders restore the discounts that were applied before the Bankruptcy Law, as well as preference when buying T-shirts.
Aperribay He listed all the discounts that are applied in the club, including the Realzale Program, noting that “we believe that we have adjusted prices.”
Jean Michel Lazkanotegi complained about the parking problems that fans who come from Iparralde have
Aperribay He replied that “those from Iparralde have the same situation as the other partners. I don’t know if they have buses to come to Anoeta. We will look at it ”.
Iñigo Oliberos He was interested in the “historical legacy” of the club and asked if there is a museum planned for this purpose.
The president replied that “the Real has a review of the area below Anoeta, which is very wide, an area of recognition of the history of the Real” and that “there is another area that is going to be used for the quarry and another to remember to the Real Olympics “
The shareholders 670 showed his concern about throwing objects onto the field.
The president pointed out that the club has “three cases” detected and that “one of them is identified and it is a 16-year-old boy”. He revealed that “there is another 12 unidentified and another unidentified person.” He thanked “the support of the stands” and was blunt in assuring that “we run a certain risk that the stands will be closed to us. We are at stake entering a dangerous path with no return. We are on the subject and we are not going to stop ”.
Pablo Ugalde asked about the Januzaj renewal, to which Aperribay he replied showing some optimism. “The renovation of Andan I think is going well. We’re going to wait. I already said we were going to have a conversation that we’ve already had. Let’s wait a little bit ”.
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