Categories: Football

Unexpected guest by Rüdiger

The world did not expect in the XXI century a war like the one that is taking place in Ukraine after the invasion of Russia. Nor does he Chelsea is Antonio Rüdigerto whom have fully splashed the consequences, even football, among the infinite of a war conflict. Everything was going smoothly at Stamford Bridgewith the only mole of the controversy surrounding the statements and the sports buzz with Lukaku, until Putin, a close friend of Roman Abramovich, gave the order. That friendship has cost dearly to the bluesright now stunned by their strange situation.

The Russian stepped aside, leaving a club for sale whose assets have been frozen by the British government. It does not have the power to sell tickets, neither to buy nor sell players. AND neither to renew contractswith players like Christensen of Azpilicueta on the brink of extinction of their own. As well Ruedigerwith whom everything was already agreed after a thorny negotiation, in the absence of the signature. The reality is that Marina Granovskaia, now interim manager of the club, has her hands tied and with several hot potatoes between them.

In that troubled sea and that current of uncertainty, the greats of Europe who are looking for a central defender want to cast their nets, a coveted piece in the current market due to its low offer. When the door of the German international, one of the best on the scene today, seemed to close, now it opens wide. Alerted Real Madrid. Alerted Bayern Munich. And Juventus. The tertiary actor that nobody expected and that now seems in pole position to incorporate it to ranks as a free agent.

affirms it The Gazzetta dello Sportand also, between the lines, Pavel Nedved. The Juventus sports director has not held his tongue to leave Dybala’s renewal up in the air, as well as to confirm, between the lines, the interest in the former Roma: “He is an excellent player, but he still has a contract with Chelsea.” Precisely, the German could occupy the salary range of the Argentine.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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