Categories: Football

Two problems for Barça outside the difficult market

Barcelona's squad for next season is still a puzzle to put together. Despite the fact that a first phase of remodeling of the team has been completed with the signings of Memphis, Emerson, Eric Garcia and Kun Agüero, there are many unknowns to be solved, especially with regard to outputs. But beyond what affects the market, there are two unknowns that depend on nursing and that affect two pieces that in theory are fixed in the equipment that it has Koeman in mind: Ter Stegen and Ansu Fati.

Both players are in the process of recovering from their respective injuries and that will undoubtedly condition the team that starts Koeman's second project.

The German goalkeeper underwent surgery on May 20 in Malmoe, Sweden, where the doctor Håkan Alfredson He underwent a therapeutic procedure on the patellar tendon in his right knee.

The German goalkeeper is expected to be back to train at the same pace as his teammates by mid-August, just as LaLiga begins. It is assumed that the preseason will be lost So everything points to the fact that he could not defend the Blaugrana framework until the championship has already started, probably after the planned stoppage of selections after the second day.

This injury leaves the coach and the Blaugrana technical secretariat in a dilemma, because Everything indicates that his substitute, the Brazilian Neto Murara, will abandon the discipline of Barça tired of not having minutes.

Therefore, either it is time to place the definitive trust in the young Iñaki Peña or Arnau Tenas, that last season they alternated in the trips of the first team or to go to the market to look for an already veteran goalkeeper and with guarantees who accepts to be substituted when the German recovers.

In the case of the Spanish international striker, the hope is that he can start the preseason, but his form is unknown. that has doctors and technicians in suspense at the Camp Nou.

Last season was hell for the young footballer who was injured. Ansu Fati broke the meniscus in his left leg on November 7, 2020 in the game that his team played against Betis. Two days later he underwent surgery.

After the first operation, at the hands of surgeon Ramon Cugat, he was predicted four months off. However, A series of complications during his recovery led him to undergo surgery again in January. The second arthroscopy did not solve the problem either and he ended up in the operating room again to undergo a new operation at the end of March. Unfortunately, the knee was not responding adequately and his new manager, Jorge Mendes, decided to take a Copernican turn in the management of his injury, taking him to Portugal to undergo surgery by a doctor he trusted.

After this fourth intervention, Fati could be recovered in about two and a half months. That means that, if there are no more setbacks, the young Blaugrana forward could start the preseason with the rest of his teammates, but it remains to be seen how long it takes to perform at his level.

Both Ter Stegen and Ansu have a safe place in Koeman's ideal eleven, but it remains to be seen how they return. And this time, the doubts do not come from the market.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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