Categories: Sports

TV3 exceeds the line and the president of Ibiza gives them a good stride

There are probably very few people who are surprised by the barbarities of TV3, the famous Catalan television network. That which, through a fixed audience has come to make mistakes and failures without forgiveness, and yesterday they did it again. After learning that the You Ibiza would be the rival of FC Brcelona, the program Esport Club used the disco logo Pacha (located in Ibiza) as if this were the shield of the Balearic group, a situation that did not pass Amadeo Salvo, president of the club.

Like everything in life, there are situations that are passed, and others that end your patience. That has happened to Amadeo Salvo, president of Ibiza seeing how funny they are in the program Esport Club of TV3, where they came up with nothing but use the logo of Pacha as if it were the shield of the Balearic team. A kind of mockery towards the team that has touched the Catalans in the 16th of the Copa del Rey. (Barça is a powder magazine and networks smoke with memes)

The president of the club, quite rightly, has been outraged by the situation and has not hesitated to make his anger public through a Twitter, giving a tremendous streak to the program: “There are more fools than @esportclub windows and you are among the first. Waste of television @ tve3cat financed with public money to associate @ibizaud with a disco at least you have to have thanks. See you in Can Misses and I'll tell you phenomena in your face. “

Amadeo, hours later, he has insured for Cope The joke felt bad. “I've warmed up a bit. If it's a humor show, put a sausage or Puigdemont's face on the other side. It is disrespectful to a modest club. We are a serious club, we are not a disco club. It makes no sense to put a trademark on a public television. ”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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